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MartinD (DayZ)

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Everything posted by MartinD (DayZ)

  1. MartinD (DayZ)

    Bandit Standoff

    Although I sound quite calm I would blame the adrenaline rush you get during encounters in Dayz for the erratic zooming. Its why we all love to play it, no other game has my heart racing like Dayz Hopefully its been patched/fixed, to be honest I'm suprised there hasn't been anyone else say that and be serious about it. Seems like most people who have commented have been pretty mature and courteous.
  2. MartinD (DayZ)

    Login Timeout Needs Fixing

    Posted this one in in error trying to edit previous post*
  3. MartinD (DayZ)

    Login Timeout Needs Fixing

    Although you make a good point about timer increases, I disagree with having a free relog first time round. I think the accumulative effect of both the combat log timer of 30 seconds and the server hop prevention timer go along way to aslo stifle ghosting. Also you have to think about the fact a players character now stays in the game for 30 seconds after you log. If there is no waiting penalty for hopping the player would essentially be leaving a copy of himself(although for a short amount of time) on a different server. This may allow for duping. Can you also imagine the number of people complaining because they got into a new server and then were killed on the old one because someone came across their char sat in a bush and died instantly on the new server? we would have 100s of threads popping up.
  4. MartinD (DayZ)

    Bandit Standoff

    I agree dude, Grenades or molotovs would have changed to whole scenario on its head. Shooting umarmed players is a bit of a dick move. If you are worried about what someone might have hidden in their inventory, then its pretty easy to just keep your distance but then again there are many players who just want to deathmatch even with unarmed players. But then again its not my place to tell people how to play the game they payed for, so each to their own I suppose.
  5. MartinD (DayZ)

    Bandit Standoff

    You can have mine, I appreciate your honesty.
  6. MartinD (DayZ)

    Bandit Standoff

    Most players from servers/communities I have been part of in the mod e.g. Zombieworld/Zerosurvival/Stressfreegaming (Great servers btw) know me as quite an upstanding character, and someone who would not intentionally exploit. I can appreciate you don't know me and can only pass judgement on what you see so thanks for your kind words.....and your beans. Yeah I felt it was a nice way to end the video.
  7. MartinD (DayZ)

    Bandit Standoff

    Not intentional, using roll as it makes no noise and had no idea that would happen. I think he saw me clipping through the floor because of that and moved, so advantage nullified in my opinion but I understand where you are coming from.
  8. MartinD (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha - How is it possible?

    Never said it would be, I just said come back in 12 months and made reference to my analogy about infancy and human development with the joke "it will tell you itself" obviously this both escaped and confused you.
  9. MartinD (DayZ)

    Character Died from 5ft drop (estimate)

    Would you still be on here crying if you had fell off the deer stand with an ungeared character? If steam give you a refund I'd be suprised, it would be a case of rewarding someone for their own stupidity. Which intern is itself pretty stupid.
  10. MartinD (DayZ)

    Inconspicuous Death

    I couldnt say whether or not you would be visible as I dont sit atop the ATC but maybe someone else may be able to insect and give that info. I've had similar deaths occur all explainable once i'd watched the recorded footage back or spoken to someone who was in the area. Ive taken no immediate fall damage when falling from the hospital roof only to drop dead 10 minutes later, walked into the wall of the camo buidling and died instantly, climbed a ladder and dropped dead, been running up the coast and suddendly died, only to be told I was still standing in a position that I had left 5 mins earlier and someone had planted a splitting axe in my face (Desync Im guessing). Have a search in the bug reports to see if anyone has reported something similar before you post it and upvote if it is the same as yours. Otherwise report it if you feel the need to.
  11. MartinD (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha - How is it possible?

    They will have budgets, financial targets etc that they must stick to. Game development is a business and in order to be successful Bohemia will be doing everything to deliver the finished game(eventually) at the right cost. Comparisons to Rust are just ridiculous, the gameworld size, number of dynamic objects and many more things dwarf Rust incomparison and any argument using rust is NULL and VOID because of that. I'd also like to point out its state in regards to development but without the use of the "A" word incase I upset any of the children in the room. It is in a state of development that can be compared to a child in infancy i.e growing, not functioning fully and developing whilst learning from mistakes that are made. If you are going to complain about it, please come back in another 12 months time when the game will then be able to tell you itself where to go. And it wont be to Cherno.
  12. MartinD (DayZ)

    Inconspicuous Death

    Someone may have shot you from the ATC, if its a one shot kill sometimes you dont even here the shot.
  13. MartinD (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone makes my internet connection struggle

    Are you sure its not just the server restarting that disconnects you? a lot of servers restart every 2 hours. As for the searching for servers I've had issues with the list not refreshing and no servers showing up, I just exit to the menu and then hit play again and the server list works again.
  14. MartinD (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone: Killed by teleport glitch/hack?

    Ive stopped doing that combat speed running or whatever you want to call it and have seen a massive reduction in rubber banding issues. Not saying it causes it but dramatically reduced teleporting/rubberbanding for me.
  15. MartinD (DayZ)


    What Timmy said^^
  16. MartinD (DayZ)

    Mosin Nagant?!

    Check the room on the top floor of the school buildings, I regularly find them in there.
  17. MartinD (DayZ)

    Found a server hopper in Balota [VIDEO]

    You can have a bean for every round you fired into him, that should easily be enough for one or two tins. Well done Sir!
  18. tweeted him about this months ago and he didnt reply, he either doesnt like the idea or its too difficult to implement like Zecele mentioned.
  19. MartinD (DayZ)

    Cannibalism in Dayz Standalone

    I think this may be the server you are talking about OldFossil. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/147011-zerosurvivalnet-basebuildingrare-vehiclesno-donor-crapdedicated-hardware/
  20. Free bump for you Seaweed. One if the better vanilla/modded servers, would recommend anyone reading this thread to give it a try. The Survivor Games is always a laugh too.
  21. Yes your right it was the proper one is aa82f55b5e8d6c80c00f66c3170256e0 and also Name: Tank Guid: 410e83a7423adb8bd175a6a1dfb7313d Location: Newcastle upon Tyne Reason: Now most of his friends play on this server
  22. I need another one added please Panda, - Name: Charlie - Location: UK, Newcastle upon Tyne - GUID: aa82f55b5e8d6c80c00f66c170256e0 - Reason: The other guys his brother and all he does is complain about hacking on other servers. cheers dude
  23. Application fo one of my mates, - Name: Alex - Location: UK, Newcastle upon Tyne - GUID: 390df0d3fc992fedd0e8a64a0c3b780b - Reason: Most of his mates play on here and hes sick of playing on servers by himself.
  24. Can you resubmit me to the list please Panda its saying I am not whitelisted? Thanks again
  25. MartinD (DayZ)

    Dayz Chernarus - UK

    Server: DayZ Chernarus - UK - Noobs Welcome ( Time: Approx 9.44pm GMT Name: I BELIVE I CAN FLY (sic) Did the usual trick of playing R Kelly - I believe i can fly, then spawning everyone mid air resulting in a fall which kills.