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MartinD (DayZ)

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About MartinD (DayZ)

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  1. MartinD (DayZ)

    Mods anyone has planned?

    Will it be possible to bypass the games own queuing system or turn it off? As I am guessing thats what will have to happen to get something working for reserved slots. Or have I had one too many beers and havent thought this through properly?
  2. MartinD (DayZ)

    Thick Fog Rolling In (Boring but beautiful)

    Hello again, been pretty inactive on the forums for the last 2 years :( Still been playing every now and again but not really spending as much time in game as I did with the mod. Its came along way since then so credit to Brian and the rest of the team for that, espescially with how things have been on EXP branch lately, update after update, amazing work. Anyways, heres a short video from 0.60 of some fog moving into myshkino tents on a public server, first time i've seen this anywhere else than the coast. It reminded me of some of the custom servers that used to run the fog mod in dayz mod, not sure if this is a common occurence on public servers but it was the first time we had played on one in ages and had never seen it happen before. Happy New year
  3. MartinD (DayZ)

    New player, having problems on an Alienware laptop

    Hey Luke, welcome to DayZ! Performance help thread below https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/224710-performance-issues/
  4. MartinD (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I havent played for about a month, but there is usually server maintenance on a Wednesday.
  5. MartinD (DayZ)

    All you Hardcore players packed it up and left?

    Oldskool dayz 1pp and Dayztv 1pp servers are usually full in the evening.
  6. MartinD (DayZ)

    Can Someone Explain What This Means?

    That fear you talk about, it made Stary one of the best towns on the map. Can't wait for those tents to be back :D
  7. MartinD (DayZ)

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Bonus shot: The Sky on that one is gorgeous :thumbsup:
  8. MartinD (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I cant see what all the fuss is about regarding the zombies, they are easily avoided with some stealthy maneuvering and lets be honest they are probably now on par(in terms of threat) with some of the later mod patches. People forget this is a zombie survival game! Bring on the hordes. And on a side note they are no match for the mighty chainsaw........
  9. MartinD (DayZ)

    Gasoline Canister Mechanincs

    I like the first three, but Flamethrowers.... I can't imagine many people in an apocalyptic scenario where infrastructure is pretty much none existent would want to waste such a valuable, tradable commodity. To be honest, you could probably argue the same about the first three..... >:( dammit I think I just convinced myself I don't like any of them, someone help convince me again :P .
  10. MartinD (DayZ)

    Suggestion For Tents

    Persistent tents in the mod worked great, they gave people another reason to go to NW or far N of the map either to hide a tent or in search of tents. I tried to, but just can't see the benefit of tents despawning after an hour. I can't count the number of times I've actually been saved by finding a random tent in the middle of nowhere with an item i was desperately in need of, or running to a friends tent for a bandage or mag that ended up saving my life. Your argument of "NO PLAYER AT ALL in DayZ is going to put things in their tent, because they know sooner or later, it would be looted" is you applying your view to the majority, when infact the majority have been using persistent tents in the mod for a long long time.
  11. MartinD (DayZ)

    Water source help

    There is a drainage ditch with water in it to your south if you've ran to the Grozovoy pass, in the big town between Toploniki and Zaprudnoe.
  12. MartinD (DayZ)

    So where dou you hang out in Chernarus?

    Anywhere NW of Stary Sobor.
  13. MartinD (DayZ)

    Swimming Against The Tide. Hacker killed!

    I feel your pain bud, hopefully this new anti-cheat thats coming will stop them in their tracks for a while. I'm sure they'll find a way to get around it eventually though, in my opinion a private shard with a good, active admin will be the best defense just like it was in the mod.
  14. MartinD (DayZ)

    Artifacting on gtx 970 anyone?

    If playing with the AA doesn't fix it there was a thread for the mod that helped me fix mine, not sure it will work for the SA but it might be worth a look. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/79234-potential-graphical-artifacting-fixes/
  15. MartinD (DayZ)

    Etiquette around people sitting by a fire?

    I like a bit of RP so I would probably ask if I could sit down and join them.