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Arbiter (DayZ)

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About Arbiter (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Required: * Server this happened on. US1510 * Time that it happened including your timezone. 22.53 GMT+2 * What happened during the incident. We were in a field NW of Devil's Castle, next to a crashed heli. We got attacked and eventually killed by Laura Kinney. None of us saw the attacker, one of us saw a group of zombies in the middle of the forest trying to attack something that wasn't there. I personally aimed (with an M249 and NVG) directly at the spot where the tracers were coming from and saw _nothing_. We were also fired upon from several directions with only two other people on the server.. One of whom died seconds after we did. First he wrote "Captain America, hah" (one of our guys) in direct chat northwest of Devil's Castle, then proceeded to talk in direct again a couple of minutes later, IN ELEKTRO. Right now Laura Kinney is in Elektro, talking in direct, saying "sorry for shooting you guys". Also offering up free loot. Scratch that, server just rebooted, can't find "Laura Kinney on any server so no screenshot.. Hoping to find him again some day.. :edit: On BE3 right now.. Go see for yourself. (01:41 GMT+2, 03.08.2012)
  2. Arbiter (DayZ)

    Improving gaming experience

    This is just silly :D Why play DayZ if you plan to turn it into Hello Kitty Online? It's not meant to be nice and kind and fluffy, it's meant to be brutal and cause plenty of rage moments! ;) Admittedly I'd rather rage at other players or bad luck and not a bug that makes my CCO vanish when I misclick and pick up a gun off the ground..
  3. Arbiter (DayZ)

    [1.5.7] Legs breaking when prone

    Damn, didn't spot this thread just now when I was looking for it ._. Had the same thing happen, I was crawling uphill and suddenly my legs just broke. Lost 6k blood and bled out. No gunshots were fired, no players were nearby. No damage indicator either. What happened: Crawled (prone) up a hill, broke my legs, lost 6k blood and started bleeding. Lost consciousness and bled out. No players were nearby and no gunshots were heard/seen. Where you were: east of quarry What you were doing: Crawling uphill *Current installed version: 1.5.7 // Arma beta 92767 *Server(s) you were on: EU9 *Your system specs: Not relevant *Timeline of events before/after error: Spawned on the beach, crawled inland, broke legs crawling uphill, moments later died. ::EDIT:: Respawned ~200m away, ran to the forest (100% darkness, not sure why since gamma was maxed too), got my stuff from my rotting corpse (the only reason I found it was the flies buzzing..) Too close! And that's the last time I'll be using prone unless I really really really have to.
  4. Arbiter (DayZ)

    Death by crawling uphill

    Date/Time: Today, around 22:15 What happened: I broke all my bones spontaneously, lost 6k blood and started bleeding. Bled out after I tried to see if a relog would fix it. It was pitch black, I was crawling under a fir tree and there was nobody in the vicinity. There were no gunshots (and no damage indicators). Where you were: Moving east of Quarry on the coast. What you were doing: Crawling up a hill going east. *Current installed version: 1.5.7 // arma beta 92767 *Server(s) you were on: EU9 *Your system specs: Irrelevant, will provide if you really want them *Timeline of events before/after error: I spawned on the coast at quarry, crawled east, tried to crawl uphill and spontaneously broke all my bones, lost 6k blood and started bleeding. Died. TL;DR: I don't mind dying to my own stupidity or the cleverness of others.. I don't mind being reset to the coast.. I do mind dying to a bug. Please explain and/or fix.