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Cri (DayZ)

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About Cri (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Cri (DayZ)

    Instinct- UK Squad is Recruiting!

    Bumping, so Ben doesn't have to do it! :D
  2. Cri (DayZ)

    Instinct- UK Squad is Recruiting!

    Hey my name is Chris and im 18 years old, Im intrested in this squad aswell, even tho i live in Norway. But hey this wont be a problem! Trust me! First of all, i speak pretty much fluent English, after all the hours of gameplay with people from UK. If you're still intrested in me, take a look at what i got! 1: I've been playing Dayz for 5 months, but ARMA 2 at release. 2: I do have a good quality headsett, and i meet both requirements for skype and teamspeak. 3: Yes i live in Norway but hey, im only 1 hour faster than you, so dont worry about it. 4: I started playing this game because its a military simulator, which i quite enjoy. Im only playing this game like a military game, squad wise i would never be able to play alone with my playstyle. Im a spotter / sniper, i can handle automatic weapons aswell, but hey. I've scored 10 on eye test, and have really good eyes. Aswell as 400 hours of ARMA 2 Wasteland as sniper pretty much does the work. I like to work around the camp / city / -Whatever we raid- and find the best oppertunities to give my squad members the easiest entrance to the -RAID- and pick out any enemies on far sight. Im really accurate, 8/10 shots, know how to zero without rangefinder, i take the distance on eye calculations, 9/10 times spot on. Im familiar with the map, so i know every bearing on the compass without having one. 5: If you find this application intresting, please contact me at anytime. I am really intrested in this Squad, as you mentioned its a hardcore squad. Contact information. Skype: Chrishi951 Steam: vadav1309 Email: Chris@1337.no I hope to hear from you soon, even if you have to reject. EDIT: Gave wrong steam name, hehe! Sincerly Chris / Cri