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About Casper35th

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Killing ZOmbies
  1. Looking for someone to scavenge with and make some heads explode, Im going to be a fresh respawn thanks to a hacker killing everyone on the server I was on! My skype name is: Casper35th
  2. 1. Are you affiliated with any other clans?: No ​2. Can you work well in a squad environment?: Yes I have real world experience in an infantry squad 3. If given a promotion would you step up to the occasion and lead your men?: Gladly, I was in charge of 53 men while in the Army 4. If one of our own is killed by another member what would you do?: Determine if it was intentional or not and then deal out the punishment accordingly 5. What role do you think you would best fit in a squad (Assault, Support, Medic, Sniper, Pilot) Assault, Sniper 6. Can you drive/fly (car, helicopter). I can Drive and Pilot a Heli