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Everything posted by wisper

  1. wisper

    Basements as spawn ground.

    How about Jkai's suggestion? Keep the beach spawn for fresh starts and have random open ground that is close to where u log off, but basement spawn for whoever choses to log off from there. That way, if u want to take advantage of extra protection, can, by logging off in a basement. Developers should take special care to keep an accessible basement exit at all times. Otherwise some smart ass might decide to collapse whole buildings to block players in.
  2. wisper


    Kicks too... and the Bruce Lee battle cry plz, no? *sigh*
  3. wisper

    Basements as spawn ground.

    If all buildings, (or most,) are basement spawn grounds, outside which would a griefer camp? The beach is open ground and new spawns easier to spot... damn those head shots!
  4. wisper

    Atlis Map

    Yeah, says the Greek ;)
  5. wisper

    Jets, and big planes

    Since we are in dreamworld, can I have an ecranoplane plz? As for the use of jets... super fast barbeque? Hang gliders only? How about hot air balloons, blimps and my all time favorite: Sail Boats! Oh and these huge yellow trucks that u need a ladder to climb and they use in querries... feels like xmas :)
  6. wisper

    Emotional death

    When killed by player, I would like to have my avatars' ghost on command for a minute or so, to go and pester my killer ;)
  7. wisper

    Punish death

    Isn't death in itself punishment enough?
  8. wisper

    Bounty notes and payout.

    Kyrah, it is a game, not a social experiment... yet.
  9. wisper

    Bounty notes and payout.

    Realism and punishment? Tell u what I wana be able to do: I want to be able to hung a 10 kills bandit and crucify a 30 kills griefer, even if dead already, with equivalent signs around their necks. U get the option to do so for avatars/bodies with equivalent stats only (otherwise we are going to be crossing Dantes' inferno constantly, what with all self appointed executioners).
  10. Imo the question is not where to base another map but how many maps can be suported. Ideally a dozen, it would make this discussion mute, because everyone would pick the locations that they prefer.
  11. If this is about a second map, American continent... perhaps arma3 maps could also be made available....
  12. wisper

    Option for Sound Output Device

    Just messing :p
  13. Just kidding ;) lmo the more maps the better. We can argue the pros and cons of each, but ultimatly it is the playes who are going to show which one would be the better by playing in it.
  14. wisper


    OMG! U just discovered a camelback game :) Good, but a tad overcomplicated for the server to keep track, what with droping items, exchanging backpacks etc. Could be an item that adds up to total water (like 160%) and drains without the player's intervention. That in itself is extra value for me.
  15. Yeah, no USA! How about Irak... with American soldiers, or Afganistan... with American soldiers, or South Korea with American soldiers, or... what the heck? Do a USA map ;)
  16. wisper

    Option for Sound Output Device

    No no no... That is way to simple. U need to find the cd that u wana hear, get a hold to a cd player and appropriate batteries. Then u can play that and only that music... while agroing zs :p
  17. wisper


    Hordes of zs heard the shot, that u fired with Jeb's rifle, with no second thought. Now they r all streaming up the hill, I bet u don't think, u have time now to kill. The horse gets to be witness, of your shoot and dodging quickness. ... Before long a z appears on your right, congrats methink that ur on the z menu tonight! Bet u regret that shot now and plz explain your clan mate how u lost his boom boom. :p
  18. wisper


    And they can be a fantastic early warning system with their heightened sences.
  19. wisper


    ...one could "drive" them arround like a car, with the difference of falling off instead of crushing and tbe horse dying instead of being destroyed... We could also attach a carriadge!
  20. wisper


    How about, instead of retuxturing everything in the map, to add specific textures to certain areas per season. For example, during fall we have mud pools on dirt roads and wet surfaces in shady areas. During winter, these pudles can be snow. U don't have to turn everything white to communicate the fact that it is cold...
  21. wisper

    Goals and awards

    Horses!!!! How come I didn't see it earlier... that's what's missing ;)
  22. wisper

    No more running Zs

    Dayz is full of infected, not dead. Ask rocket if in doupt. At some point he even mentioned how he, with his brother were trying to id a plausible illness mutation for the condition in dayz. I remember it well because I thought that something like that resembles rabid dogs, but he was instead talking about some obscure pandemic strain. In our case z stands for brain dead, absolute aggresivness. They use the term because it is much easier to understand by most people, very fast ;)
  23. wisper

    Proper granade mechanics?

    Grenade specific controls would remove much of the arcady feel from throwing a dozain a sec that many games have.
  24. wisper


    Nice! I want one and while we are at it, could u throw a couple of loudspeakers to the lot? Fitted on my home made armoured car I can pretend I am the ice cream man and lure inocent souls to their demise, mu ha HA! (Or try an apocalypse style attack :p )
  25. So, if I like bandit and see a nice camp, I can log as viper → slither in → poison everybody → relog as bandid → loot the s#!t out of the place?... don't think so.