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About rebb

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Arma2 Patches are usually backwards-compatible, so it should be no problem connecting to a server that has a lower version than you.
  2. rebb

    release that patch

    Hotfixes that just fix bugs are not cool enough. Each patch must get reddit / 4chan / whatever news ...
  3. Because snipe-camping the NWAF isn't cheap and pussy-like in itself already. So pussy-like behaviour was met with pussy-like behaviour, sounds balanced to me.
  4. Honestly, i don't think this engine can be made "hack-resistant" enough unless there's some major rewrite of it, which is highly highly unlikely.
  5. I sometimes see these "Blue on Blue" and "Check your fire" messages on servers that should have side-chat disabled. Anyone know what these are about ? I'm usually not shooting or getting shot at when that happens. Just a bug with no further meaning ?
  6. rebb

    Im done for now

    Sorry, i couldn't resist :(
  7. rebb

    killed him with his own gun hhaha,

    Wrong subforum. If you want to get applause for being a douchebag, post it on the bandit boards.
  8. Wait, i thought there was already a "feature" that auto-cleared vehicles that are left outside of the map bounds or something ? Something that respawns them at their original location if this is the case. Or did i just dream it ?
  9. rebb

    Upcoming Patch

    I like how the main thread was to be locked "for an hour" and it has now turned into 3 days or something.
  10. So thats why you are on the forums and play judge and cry for hive-access rights removal, without exactly knowing what was going on yourself ? Cool.
  11. DE7 is a very "old" server with a Steam Group and more Coop centric from what i know, how exactly do you *KNOW* that this duped, and not simply the fruit of some proper "playing together" type thing with a lot of players ? Oh wait, that would be too shocking for you, players in DayZ actually cooperating instead of shooting each other in the face FOR TEH LULZ all the time. This community is one of the most dickish i have ever seen, congratulations.
  12. rebb


    Suddenly, killed by winchester.
  13. rebb

    Until duping is fixed...

    So why can't the dupeing be fixed in the engine, when there have already been a few DayZ-centric changes done in the beta patches ? I thought those contain engine fixes ? And what about the "backpacks eat your items if theres not enough space" thing, is this also a magically unfixable engine thing ?
  14. Doesn't seem to help. Using and 95417 patch. Since being silly enough to, yet again, install a "shortly before the weekend, so expect nothing to be improved for two days" patch, i haven't been able to join a single server with 95417. Played yesterday with the previous patch, altho that too gave me long "loading" times.
  15. If this is a fix for the base game, why wasn't this applied years earlier ?