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About walkiewicztomasz@yahoo.com

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  1. walkiewicztomasz@yahoo.com

    [EU/PL] LFM players to join my group

    Topic closed
  2. walkiewicztomasz@yahoo.com

    [EU/PL] LFM players to join my group

    Hi guys There is me and another guy playing together and looking to find some more ppl to join us. We focus mostly on helping survivors and killing bandits though some gunfights do happen at high military places. Killing unarmed bambies is just noobish. It's an English speaking clan! Conditions : 1. You have to be over 16 years old or be mature enough 2. Have a working headset with mic. 3. Don't HACK ! 4. Be serious once we get into a gunfight Some DayZ experience preferable We are a nice bunch, easy to get along with. Respond here or PM me then we can take it onto TS3
  3. walkiewicztomasz@yahoo.com

    Instinct- UK Squad is Recruiting!

  4. walkiewicztomasz@yahoo.com

    Instinct- UK Squad is Recruiting!

    Bump, still need more
  5. walkiewicztomasz@yahoo.com

    [RNR] Clan recruiting Europeans

    Bump Still looking, situation changed a bit. Tried to help a bambi today and got knifed in the back. If I have to shoot I'll shoot and any other squad member
  6. walkiewicztomasz@yahoo.com

    [RNR] Clan recruiting Europeans

    Great man, I've sent you PM
  7. walkiewicztomasz@yahoo.com

    [RNR] Clan recruiting Europeans

    Thanks for the application, i've send u pm. Still looking for more :)
  8. walkiewicztomasz@yahoo.com

    Looking for a group

    Sup man? Check out my topic there http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/126588-rnr-clan-recruiting-europeans/ It's not going to be a huge team and we are friendly
  9. walkiewicztomasz@yahoo.com

    [RNR] Clan recruiting Europeans

    That's cool, what server are you guys playing on?
  10. walkiewicztomasz@yahoo.com

    [RNR] Clan recruiting Europeans

    Hi guys We are a community with a website and mumble looking to expand into DayZ. I play DayZ myself and focus mostly on helping survivors and killing bandits. Killing unarmed bambies is just noobish. Hopefully there will be lots of action and rescue missions :) It's an English speaking clan! Conditions : 1. You have to be over 16 years old or be mature enough 2. Have a working headset with mic. 3. Play at least 5 days a week 4. Don't HACK ! 5. Be serious once we go on a mission Form : Name : Age : From : DayZ experience : In game name : Skype : Hope to hear from you soon guys and start playing
  11. walkiewicztomasz@yahoo.com

    Looking for a group of people to play with - Europeans

  12. walkiewicztomasz@yahoo.com

    Instinct- UK Squad is Recruiting!

    Hi Ben I'm 21 but we can try ;d I'm living in UK I do have a headset and of good quality I've got both TS3 and Skype I've been playing longer than 4 months If ur happy hit me on steam - delta306
  13. Hi guys I've been playing this game for a bit of time now, i think i know how to move and got the basics. I'm looking to play someone with as it's getting boring for me on my own out there and it can be damn hard. Looking for europeans as to time difference won't be big.