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About majike

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. majike

    Please explain me the game.

    He tells you to watch the lower right hand corner of the screen as you log in...It tells you your location briefly (in a teletype style)...and that is the only Hint you get, so don't miss it. It will just tell you what the nearest location (town) is to your current location, then it is up to you to figure it out from there. It doesn't take too long to start learning the map as you explore to the point that you don't need the hint anymore, you just know.
  2. majike

    to run or not to run

    double tap toggles it so that holding down shift either makes you run, or makes you walk slow. It also changes all on its own usually when a zombie is near. It is one of the buggy parts of the game, I think of ARMA since it is a basic mechanic. You can also double tap W to sprint.