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About StaR_Neonz

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  1. Come join a brand new origins PVE server with regular sector b raids and active friendly admins Server IP:
  2. come join the server all people welcome survivor/bandit or hero your choice what you want to be
  3. keep joining the server guys getting more and more awesome people
  4. server is filling come in a check it out guys :D
  5. come on people come join this awesome server!
  6. StaR_Neonz

    Awesome private hive, needs players

    come on people keep on joining :)
  7. server is a great place to come if you want a great experience come check it out all types welcome bandit/survivor/hero
  8. thios server is a great server just needs more people come check it out!
  9. this server really needs more players is a really great server to be on come check it out!
  10. this server really needs more players is a great server to play on check it out!
  11. StaR_Neonz

    Awesome private hive, needs players

    this server needs more players come join really great server to be in
  12. StaR_Neonz

    Awesome private hive, needs players

    hey guys i joined this server its a really friendly one with a lot of good people in it needs more people in it! :)