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About Sandqt

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New York
  • Interests
    Video Games :D
  1. Sandqt

    Admin help!

    Righte-o, I guess his server will soon decline. Time will tell!
  2. Sandqt

    Admin help!

    Right. But how can I advise people to stay off it normally the people on the server aren't as sensible as the people on these forums.
  3. Sandqt

    Admin help!

    I sadly don't own it. But the owner (Really bad admin) He gave people control panel access for a price of five dollars and tried hacking. Is there any way you may help me get rid of this cancer?
  4. Sandqt

    Admin help!

    It's at immature land, take a left then a right and make sure to follow the road down. AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS I'm considering reporting it myself. I can tell you more horrible admin stories if you'd like. All from them.
  5. Sandqt

    Admin help!

    Okay, so two friends of mine and I administrate a server. (Private hive) anyways, as time goes by we each end up dying BUT when they end up dying they begin to troll/harass and attempt to rekill the person using the map and everything at their disposal. Meanwhile if I die from a bandit I brush it off. I tell them to not act like that but they mock me etc. etc. am I doing something wrong or are they?
  6. Thank you all for contributing to this thread, so far I'm learning alot on to make a golden server. Please try and join too....it's lonely here (IP is in the OP)! :D
  7. Keep it coming! I'm liking these opinions!
  8. I'm an admin of a server with two friends of mine and I was wondering if people would enjoy it more if they were able to get into a server with a weapon and some materials. I thought what if we gave a person entering our server a low end rifle or a makarov, one can of food and one can of soda. So what's the general consensus on this I'd like to know so I can help make my server a better place for everyone to join! (Here's the server IP if you'd like to join by the way! Enjoy!