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Everything posted by NobodieCro

  1. NobodieCro

    Realism vs keeping new players

    Well if you make the guns harder to find , I think zombies should then be more " stupid" . Right now its hard to get past them... There's alot of tweaking to be added every time you would like to add something new.
  2. So what if im fucked and lose my internet ?
  3. NobodieCro

    Side effects of Murdering

    Well I like the idea, but It needs to be tweaked..I really dont know what rocket has in mind..To do with this bandit thing.. Too much bandits lately..
  4. NobodieCro

    Spawn near friends

    People could just go into firefight , die , respawn on a live friend and grab their rifle and continue fighting...It isn't balanced.
  5. NobodieCro

    Psychosis? "Did you hear that?"

    I like it ! But doubt rocket will add it to the game ;/
  6. NobodieCro

    Dayz - Grand Massacre

    That was fricking funny hahah I still dont see how your friends died :S
  7. NobodieCro

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    they was noobs but they was on a private server and had a admin with them who was giving them weapons and other stuff and making them spawn near each other etc. You is Kind' date=' You is Smart, You is Important .? Learn grammar you stupid shit. [i have been warned for this post. - Ubi']
  8. NobodieCro

    Heli's are back?

    OFC they are. So is A1M1 Abrams !
  9. NobodieCro

    Banned for "NightCrawling" ?

    I can see you're new. Usually when you post a thread like this , first wave will be guys that are so hardcore players , basiclly rocket cockssckers, which will insult you and post comments how you're a care bare and shit. Then you have few people who actually try to understand your problem , and thena bit more of the cocksuckers . Anyways , good thing the reputation was removed , otherwise you would have -30 by now.
  10. NobodieCro

    Craziest Thing You've Done in Day Z

    We crashed a private HIVE server trying to dupe backpacks LOL
  11. NobodieCro

    Any way to make your base 100% secure ?

    You can. Get hacks, spawn a Carrier off in the sea .. And its gonna be the most awesome base and safe also !
  12. NobodieCro

    Did I just screw myself?

    Yes you did...
  13. NobodieCro

    Can anyone here gift me Arma 2 on steam?

    Too old ? You're like 17 and still Goth ... lol
  14. Hey how about you get banned if you try to disconnect from the server ? THAT would be an epic idea ! Also from time to time you just randomly die , because the game is already too easy.
  15. NobodieCro

    This is why survivors get killed so much!

  16. NobodieCro

    Opinions ?

    I logged in yesterday to find out that my AS50 is gone... I had M9SD , but in my hand I was holding makorov..So basiclly I had to drop the M9 , to drop the Makorov...I had guns..lol ? Also all of the AS50 magazines are still in my inventory so that's weird.. I found a full geared guy camping in Elektro hill area..Killed him took all of his stuff, NVGS , GPS , RangeFinder..etc.. If he had hacked it..Then why did only AS50 disappear ?? Btw Im pretty sure It had to do with the new Arma Beta update...
  17. NobodieCro

    Opinions ?

    Thanks Sherlock haha
  18. NobodieCro

    fix the game ffs

    Scum of the internet. Well considering you're probably fat and a disgusting person , this is the only thing you can really enjoy ; correcting a persons grammar on the internet.
  19. NobodieCro

    1sh Jule 2012. Unexpected jump

    Nice way to keep track of things...Yea New players or OLD players getting bored of getting new gear and being good :)
  20. NobodieCro

    Hackers RUINING This Game Completely

    Hackers are here to spice up the game..Mostly because it is too easy.. Now you have to be aware of , Bandits, Zombies, killing trees , doors, fences, rocks , hunger, dehydration , cold weather, and hackers. :D
  21. NobodieCro


    Haha good response ! Made me laugh +1 to you !
  22. NobodieCro

    37 murders and counting..

    40 kills and counting !
  23. NobodieCro

    Car Disappeared NZ8

    Hackers can move your car to them. So I might be a hacker.
  24. NobodieCro

    For those two cherno snipers

    Hahah those guys are noobs...You can hear a person climbing up..if you pay attention but , good kill :)
  25. NobodieCro

    Mi-8 Helicopter?

    "Good Guy Greg "decided to risk his account to help people get around faster :D Why shoot him ? Hes just gonna spawn a new one or nuke the server because he tried to help you out and you back stabbed him. I'd rather roll with it and have a nice day :)