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Everything posted by ukko

  1. ukko

    November Round-up

    signs are on air, I was able to shit this morning after a week. I knew that had much deeper meaning.
  2. ukko

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    bring alcohol and pubs in electro. then after several pints we can go on streets and behave badly.
  3. Check this out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9y_em5BDms More to come. Thats part 1. And check also his other videos. DayzME.nl join in. Hack free server.
  4. When is this plus coming? I cant find anything useful from google.
  5. Any adrenaline rush? I've shot some ppl in past but even now when I sneak around and knowing someone is really near, my heartrate goes through roof because I don't want to lose my gear. Since its usually kill or be killed situation. So many variables there. Got to love this game.