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Everything posted by ukko

  1. ukko

    Stuck on black loading screen

    uninstall battleye. login without it, it fails. then reinstall battleye. works for me.
  2. Ok here is the thing. I keep getting this white screen in login. I did bypass it by downloading arma 3 files for it and did get in, but then BE kicks me out due unability to dl correct files. 1.204 files gives only this white screen. Any fixes for that? I tried 1.204 1.206 1.207 1.168 and 1.207 files is only when it updates back to 1.204 and then i'm stuck again. I have downloaded all above and tried them all.
  3. ukko

    Battleye stuck

    I couldn't have said it any better...
  4. ukko


    Question?? Where did you get all those items? All i get is what i find from dead ppl so far.
  5. ukko


    You just pressed play after running sa from steam? Go and choose a server, that helped for me at least.
  6. ukko


    Third time in a row when i get unconcious from not drinking and eating. Equals as many deaths. Yesterday there was loot as a "little". Today i have not seen a single object, other than those batteries which i gathered from dead players. Put some food in game ffs. If you dont move you live longer. Waiting game has completely new meaning now. :D
  7. ukko

    First Player Encounter in DayZ

    My first encounter was at kamyshovo, I had my axe and noticed some dude was clearly hiding prone from me, saw him turning while I went past him. had to give lol to him for trying so hard. first thought was "axe his head" but I went on to elektro.
  8. ukko

    You feel thirsty... FFFFFFF

    For adult average is 4liters per day.
  9. ukko

    You feel thirsty... FFFFFFF

    did not let me fill my water bottle from a well.
  10. ukko


    Still waiting for my skynet to fire up. Been updating win8, 30mins now. Wonder what in the world it is doing for all this time.
  11. ukko

    What are you gonna do?

    I thought I would reboot my PC after installing and get fresh start for dayz. Now it desided that it is best possible moment for updating windows. Do no shut down your PC. Installing updates 1/2...
  12. ukko

    dayz price question

    Pay once, get all.
  13. ukko

    is great feeling being noob again

    noobs united :thumbsup:
  14. was going to close my twitch tab which i noticed was open, quick peek and hell... there they gone bananas and i opened steam, bought and waiting for it to download now.
  15. ukko


  16. ukko


    23,99€ which is about same as 24-pack of golden drink of gods
  17. ukko

    DayZ Early access Trailer

    Just got BF4 and Ghosts too... But hell, not seeing me much in there.
  18. ukko

    DayZ Early access Trailer

    well that must be awful for you sir :lol: I smell some sickness coming... might be some sort of cough and influensa...*sniff*
  19. Would be funny if it were authentic.
  20. First update today was 19:52 and latest steam update was 20:04 my time so they release games at least in that time span.
  21. All officials are on 113466, test is on 113705.
  22. Can anyone tell what's happening on stream? I'm at work so this only source for me, maybe to many others too.