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Everything posted by SilverWolf4

  1. I'm getting the same error as well. I believe one of the recent patches fucked with my character's Hive Data. I really hope Rocket and his team look into this some time soon, as I'm the only one in my clan not able to play DayZ.
  2. I'm getting the same error as well. I believe one of the recent patches fucked with my character's Hive Data. I really hope Rocket and his team look into this some time soon, as I'm the only one in my clan not able to play DayZ.
  3. SilverWolf4

    One person server?

    I'm seeing a server with a 1/1 player slot. The server is DayZ Zombie RPG - seattle 39, and the only one in it is [shadow] Bob Lablaw are server's like this allowed?
  4. @Anemia Their line of sight is bugged. They aren't supposed to chase you from 20m if your slowly proning. I heard from a friend that they're still hitting through walls. Also, everyone in my clan is complaining about the spawn issue, and I hope that's addressed as well in Rocket's hot fix today.
  5. SilverWolf4

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Sounds like a fantastic update. Great work DayZ team!
  6. SilverWolf4

    looking for a clan

    add me on steam
  7. SilverWolf4

    Looking for survival group

    We have enough people now.
  8. SilverWolf4

    Looking for survival group

    Yes, that's fine
  9. SilverWolf4

    The Gray Area

    Very well written :)
  10. SilverWolf4

    Meta-Gameing, Hacking, De-Sync.

    This sounds hilarious, but it's still wrong >.
  11. SilverWolf4

    A humane request

    I call trolling.
  12. SilverWolf4

    Survival team

    I'm currently recruiting for my group/clan, and would like for you to join us.
  13. SilverWolf4

    Looking for survival group

    You can join our group.
  14. SilverWolf4

    Way to make Zed more dangerous... easily

    Not sure how many people will like this, but when your grabbed, there should be a button you can bash to fill a bar or something to get them off you.
  15. @Dharion A. Drahl: I don't mean more hp, I mean headshots and limb shots only.
  16. SilverWolf4

    Choose where to spawn

    Like paradox666 said: You can just keep respawning where you want, so what's the point of spawning randomly? @coolaceone: I know what you mean, but thats irrevelant to spawning randomly. Once you choose where to spawn, you still need to use the landscape to navigate.
  17. SilverWolf4


    I like your suggestion, besides the diseased fish. Also: ZOMBIE SHARKS.
  18. The chat should not be turned off, only diminshed. No one needs to see what mods you have edited when you connect. If it weren't for the chat, I wouldn't have been able to find the clan I'm currently in and all the awesome people in it. Most of the channels are useless, so they should be taken out.
  19. I agree with mostly everyone who posted. Landmines should do substantial damage, but not kill you instantly. (Broken Bones, 75% Blood loss) Military zombies should be much more difficult to kill, considering the bullet proof vests. No way to really solve the server hopping, other than to have zombies always spawned at airfields + military camps, that way when they do server hop, they won't be completely alone.
  20. Dozens of times have I entered a server hoping it was daylight, but to logout immediately upon discovery of it being a night server. Making it more difficult and adding a timer to logout will only make this sequence even more frustrating. I like the idea of building your own fortress, but I think the construction system from arma2 should be used instead of your crafting bench idea. Also, I don't think building barracades will keep people out of your fort. Let's say I see your fortified house, and notice it's blocked off. I could switch servers, and walk in the front door of the same house without a barracade, disconnect and rejoin the other server and I would be inside your fort.