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Bobby Singer

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Everything posted by Bobby Singer

  1. Bobby Singer

    DayZ: Invasion 1944

    Not on my server.
  2. Like the title says. I am looking for someone to be a part of a new dayz realism mod that brings to DayZ what ACE brings to Arma 2. I am slowly working on this myself.The problem is i have never done any code so i am learning while i do it and that is a slow process. I have a team of testers and i will be looking for more in the future as well. We have website set up to facilitate forums,updates, and bugs. The Website will also feature a whitelist application. The dedicated server is already setup and running the base of our mod. Test builds are ran daily. What the coder/scripter would do is help with all things Dayz and arma 2 code related plus maybe make a name for him/herself. If you are interested please join my private mumble at east3.voice.enjin.com:61150
  3. I am currently working on a DayZ ACE server. The mod will be called TruZ. It is going to be focused on realism and not OMG i haz SMAW zombie go BOOM. TruZ is going to be very close to the base mod. It will run on multiple maps and future maps as well. What i plan to do is create a more realistic playing field that everyone will enjoy. Here is what i have made so far. New Loot tables more focused on civilian weapons and way more pistols Replaced base arma weapons with ACE counterparts. Rifles with optics will be very rare. Added ACE tool belt items such as earplugs,glasses,balaclava,gas masks and much more. Tin cans will no longer be around every corner as there will be many more low value items to fill the gaps. Added 1 armored vehicle without weapons BTR-40 open top. Very rare Added many new types of grenades to include Tear gas,white phos,flashbangs and Smoke grenades that actually cover you and last longer. Ghillie and camo are now high res for all. Added Trip Flares (works as a great early warning system) Added Wirecutters,rope,and marker panels Added map tools and spotter scope Added parachute loot to heli wrecks Replaced satchel with C-4(less powerfull but still effective) Backpacks adjusted to match realistic size potential. Added ump-45 with flashlight. Removed AS50 M107 made a very very rare spawn. Sniper rifles made very rare. There is much more going to happen as well. As you can see there is going to be allot more stuff in the loot tables. This makes it easier for me to make the things i want to be rare to actually be rare. Also i will have a server with ACRE radio system as well and one without it. Both server will have JSRS, JTDfire and smoke, and maybe some more enhancement addons. I dont want to many as some people will whine about downloading more than 2 things. Also i am looking for a mission scripter and coder. Its just me right now and my testers so its a little slow. Email me at turbo.franks@gmail.com In game name is Bobby Singer. o7 Also ACE stamina will not be a factor as so many people hate it. This also means no weapon on the back as well
  4. Still looking for one. In the mean time it looks like shinkicker might be giving me some insight soon.
  5. Yes i have played dayz+ but that does not really achieve the level of realism that we are looking for. What we are looking for is a way to make it be like this. If you would do it in real life you would need to do it that way in the game as well. Although while still keeping it fun. Right now its really fun with custom skins,JSRS sound mod, and my custom chernarus map. I just want to build on this and add things like JTDfire,AEG and random world events. Things that make you feel like you are in the game not just playing it. The first time i used JSRS for example i was blown away by how it made me feel while playing the game. I actually could not play on regular servers for a while because it was that much of a game changer. What i want is to make a mod that is such a game changer that you dont want to ever play without it.