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About Zuulass

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  1. Zuulass

    crossbow good?

    got a crossbow with the sight and bolts and ive just been shooting zombies, is it any good if i get attacked by a player?
  2. Zuulass

    DayZ Code

  3. Zuulass

    Dayz Poetry

    i forget but it was long ago so i just kinda trusted it, what's it mean?
  4. Zuulass

    Just a question?

    i do half survivor half military with black helm black visor, i make it look good trust me
  5. Zuulass

    2nd Character Slot

    with the edit thrown in i think it would be a nice addition
  6. Zuulass

    Just a question?

    people really need to wear motorcycle helmets more i always wear one
  7. Zuulass

    Should guns spawn loaded?

    i think if i find a gun in a house i should find the ammo for the gun somewhere in the house as well, either next to the gun or somewhere the real owner of the gun would put the ammo
  8. Zuulass

    Dayz Poetry

    During his last moment, Shisui's disciples requested that he write a death poem. He grasped his brush, painted a circle, cast the brush aside, and died. The circle— indicating the void, the essence of everything, enlightenment— is one of the most important symbols of Zen Buddhism.
  9. Zuulass

    Can you sneak/make no sound when walking?

    yeah it really annoys me that there isn't a silent walk button or something mainly because i walk silently irl all the time. i practiced a walk that you kinda step on your heel and roll the rest of the foot down in a circle kinda way and it makes so little sound that the wind blowing covers it up. i walk up to people at work and ask them a question and they always get spooked and say i sneaked up on them but i just casually walked up to them. i have practiced the walk so much that's just how i walk, and i can walk pretty fast doing it now.
  10. Zuulass

    Sniper's weapon of choice

    im glad the sporter is getting some love in this sporter is my fav gun
  11. Zuulass

    Model 70

    i found a few in deer stands
  12. Zuulass

    Safety, Weapon Jams and Zeroing.

    i can see it now, the day jams come out every gun will jam almost all the time but in all seriousness yeah i would like all those, it would make you have to take care of your guns
  13. Zuulass

    Advanced medical system

    i would be fine with a MGS3 style system except make everything an animation so it would take longer
  14. Zuulass

    Quick time events alike

    it sounds cool and like how things would play out irl but in DayZ i think both people would break their arms and die from a glitch or something fancy stuff like that can wait for like 4 more years
  15. Zuulass

    Tell us why we died

    how do you know?!