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About noblue

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. when you see little things that don't immediately make sense, like someone requiring 2 shots to go down, it probably has nothing to do with hacking buckshot is currently requiring multiple body shots to kill, and I've seen people survive a mosin shot to the chest for at least a brief period of time taking a ton of M4 shots is obviously more likely to be hacking, though honestly I wouldn't be surprised if your friend was just a really bad shot I personally haven't seen anything that looked like hacking to me
  2. noblue

    Mosin 9130 only 1 bullet "magazine" ?

    if you paint it, capacity goes to 1
  3. the vast majority of players simply don't want to play on nighttime servers taking a quick look at the server browser verifies this
  4. noblue

    Give us a Duckin Map

    i alt tab and use http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus#3.125.043 if this is cheating i don't care
  5. noblue

    Gun Cleaning Kits

    I think it was pristine
  6. noblue

    Gun Cleaning Kits

    using a cleaning kit hasn't changed the pristine status of my magnum, mosin, or shotgun there's no indication that it made any difference at all
  7. most daytime servers will already be looted, though you can grab stuff if you get there after a reset personally I try to get civilian guns. The best area for shotguns and mosins is probably Vybor (south of the NW airfield)
  8. noblue

    sawed off shotgun not secondary?

    it's 10 slots I haven't used it against a player yet, but it works fine against zombies
  9. noblue

    sawed off shotgun not secondary?

    you can put it in your backpack, but it takes up 2x5 slots
  10. noblue

    From now on I trust no one.

    anywhere with military supply spawns is a KOS zone, even if you don't normally KOS as far as trusting other players, don't trust anyone. Try to never put yourself in a situation where another player can kill you if they feel like it. If a player approaches you closely, you have free license to kill them imo
  11. noblue


    red orchestra 2 is a joke. Try playing red orchestra or darkest hour if you want a good game
  12. noblue


    I found this thread fairly funny, and at least somewhat useful
  13. there's absolutely no evidence that this engine could provide what dayz's engine does we have a couple trailers that show small-scale maps, and the vague promise of a larger map. For all we know, this game will have a bunch of instanced areas, and no real "open world" people who fucking lose it over an early trailer are part of the problem with the video game community
  14. noblue

    My biggest massacre to date (with pics)

    good job killing a bunch of AFK people i guess