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Everything posted by kasigawa

  1. I have an interesting idea, after watching the DayZ dev blog working on their motion capture, I had an idea on how a zombie should have the ability to sneak up barely noticeable to the player (crawling on the ground or casually walking) where the player barely notices he or she is being followed. It makes sense if the player does not check his or her surroundings, especially in the woods (where they assume zombies would never venture out very far from the city) they could be vulnerable to a silent encounter. I mean what is more scary then camping in a certain spot and suddenly having a crawler slowly crawl up behind you and start trying to bite or attack you with very little warning. Or better yet, have an animation of the zombie pulling the player down to his face level and trying to bite the player from an extreme close up perspective. Almost like a real time cinematic moment. I think this would introduce a realistic and terrifying feature to the game if the player is too careless, makes too much noise, or if he or she thinks by staying away from urban locations that they are safe. Nevertheless, in a zombie Apocalypse there is no such thing as being truly safe, only a safe state a mind. i also want to add that this idea was also reinforced from one of the episodes of The Walking Dead (season 3) where they parked a car on the side of the road while ignoring a silent and slow moving zombie walking in the background. ...Or if you want, the zombie in one of the beginning episodes in which was crawling on the ground with her hand reaching out. I'd sh*t myself if something like that came up to me unnoticed (obviously from being careless of course). http://www.zombiemojo.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/walking-dead-hugs.jpg
  2. My brother gave me an interesting suggestion. What if a zombie kills you and you turn into a zombie. While being a zombie you can attack other players (even if it's for a limited time) and turn them into zombies. After you die as a zombie you start all over again as a regular character. The idea would definitely bring a challenge for zombies being unpredictable. A person might not know if it is a zombie or a player playing as a zombie.This also allows zombies to travel by themselves looking for other players, forcing other players to be more cautions of their environments. Another idea is that after a fellow player dies from a zombie attack, he has to get his team to shoot him to prevent from becoming a zombie (or maybe he could shoot himself if he doesn't want to become a zombie); therefore, the player can play as a regular character and not a zombie. :beans: ぺこぺこ!
  3. I've been playing DayZ for a few days now and I never found any ramen noodle soup. I'm not sure there is ramen noodles in the game; nevertheless...If a zombie apocalypse really happened, ramen is a must have! Please add ramen to the game! Do it for the starving players who are only eating beans and tuna! Add ramen to the game! Please, I'm begging you! To gain attention for my plead and my love for ramen, here is a ramen song.
  4. Bacon?! XD I looked at your link to the other thread. I also love the idea of the Legacy chocolate bars; nevertheless, i think in reality if you found a chocolate bar it would most likely be melted. Furthermore, I didn't know you could send game models to developers. I should model a few things.
  5. Genius! I like the idea of adding MREs! They should add MREs and Ramen to the game! It is a must! >:3
  6. Sorry, I meant to say sardines. ^~^;