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Everything posted by insane_mad_man

  1. insane_mad_man

    Adventuring into a town

    I've already played dayz for afew hours and surviving outside of citys is simple. But I still find it hard to travel into a town without arousing too much attention. Would any be kind enough to give afew tips about how I can get in and out of a town safley without a weapon?
  2. insane_mad_man

    suggestion: Caves?

    Absoluty glorious idea! hopefully these are added. maybe have the caves rare items if the cave was big enough.
  3. insane_mad_man

    Adventuring into a town

    What buildings from a disatance should I target? What has the good loot?
  4. insane_mad_man

    Adventuring into a town

    I've been told that if i crouch run I will make reduced noise. Is that a good notion?