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Everything posted by twangydave

  1. twangydave

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    First developer I have seen to call the anti-sandbox people out on their whining. You are my hero. Felt I had to register to add my support to this. I'm 39 years old and I've been a gamer since age 13, I also have a 15 year old nephew who's a very keen gamer so I have formed a fair impression of how games companies target their products and why we might have all these childish tears and butthurt in this thread. Modern games companies spoon feed insipid slop that is intended to masssage the egos of fragile people who have no other yard stick to measure their self worth than success in virtual worlds. The brilliance of their designs is of course that the bar is set so low that everyone achieves the rosy glow of success. EVERYONE finishes games, usually in a matter of hours and everyone unlocks the shiny gear - if not, there is a cheat or a guide to ensure that if you can turn the game/pc/console on then you can probably complete it. It's time for the masses to realise - YOU ARE NOT VERY GOOD AT COMPUTER GAMES! When I started out, there was no tutorials, no guides, no cheats, no internet, we played games for months, sometimes never getting beyond a certain level, sometimes you'd tear your hair out in frustration but the few that kept going would do so out of committment, pride or sheer bloody mindedness. Gaming was hard and not so many people bothered with it, those that did found the reward of genuine achievement that few could emulate. Your reward after months of game effort was often as simple as a 'Well Done!' in text before the game reset to the opening screen, success was hard won and transitory, there were no saves or checkpoints, often the only person to know you'd 'done it' would be you and you alone. We played purely for the joy of playing and our love of moving through virtual landscapes, there was not the expectation of some kind of end game, the immersion was the reward. This 'game' is very special, years have passed without anything like this emerging, it could have significant impact on the future of gaming if people in charge are wise enough to see that a vision of something better has been presented here. Don't try to get the man to break it just because it currently denies you things you feel you are entitled to. You are entitled to nothing - You must work harder and when you do, you'll find that you'll come to love this thing that has made you better.