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About toteemms

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  1. whuuuuuuut have I started
  2. Ah okay, sorry for the confusion haha
  3. Anyone can, but noone has.. bar me, it looks good, so I did it and wanted to share it
  4. I see, I say I photoshop it though, that's the thing
  5. Hey! I made some DayZ Wallpapers for anyone who wants one, if you want a personal one just message me what you want done and il photoshop it, FOR FREE AS WELL! Wallpapers - http://imgur.com/a/4feD2 Thanks! :) :beans: :beans: :P :)
  6. yeah, I took a screenshot, printed it out, gridded it, drew it, oil pastel'd it haha
  7. Thanks, it means alot! :)
  8. Hey! I made some DayZ Wallpapers for anyone who wants one, if you want a personal one just message me what you want done and il paint it, FOR FREE AS WELL! Wallpapers - http://imgur.com/a/4feD2 Thanks!
  9. toteemms

    Day Z Wallpapers

    I made some oil pastel DayZ wallpaper's here: http://imgur.com/a/igi8g#0 Just message me though if you want a personal one! :) Thanks