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About Venom_

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Interests
    Day-z and other stuff.
  1. Venom_

    United States DayZ Corps

    Name: Trystin (steam name: Venom) Age: 14 Time Zone: Central Bio: Born in Southern Texas raised in Southern Texas. Dont let my young age fool you, I am one of the best you will be able to find. I have a youtube channel but i havent started posting videos yet. I have good leadership skills and good tactics. Carrying out and succeeding missions every time. I dont have a computer at the moment because i am getting a much much better one so i can play lag free and record and play lag free. Experience: 9 years of playing FPS games and im still getting better. Arma is my specialty. PVP and scavenging for supplies is what i am good at. I am also one of the best with snipers. Give me a DMR and i can provide support and intel to up to 800 meters on dot. Time online daily: 0 hours right now but with my new computer i will be on about 4-5 hours on weekdays and almost all day on weekends. With summer coming up i will be on more.
  2. Venom_

    DayZ Memes

    I promise you these are all on google.