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About venom_eater

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. venom_eater

    Fps question

    make sure most of your video settings are at high so that the game used your GPU more than CPU and also try not using vista
  2. First things first. My key was not stolen unless somehow the person who "stole it" magically new exactly when i had crashed disconnected from a server and joined with the key i know 100% that it wasn't stolen as this same problem has happened to me before basically my game freezes then BE kicks me then i Close Game with DayZCommander and then when i attempt to Reconnect it says CD key in use. It has been in use for over 30 minutes - 1 hour and i know 100% that this key was not stolen
  3. venom_eater

    CD key in use after game crashes NOT STOLEN

    Also i have had this same problem before it happens after crashing from a server.
  4. venom_eater

    CD key in use after game crashes NOT STOLEN

    You say the dayz forum cant help with stolen keys yet it was not stolen.
  5. I know youl probably be thinking i opened a key stealre but im not a retard anything todo with dayz i open up first with dotnet resolver because i dont want to lose my key however after playing dayz for a bout 2 minuts my game freezes and doesnt coem back so i close it with DayZ commander attempt to rejoin and i get hte message Cd key in use!!! i thought ok maybe my servers bugged and my player is stuck in it so i restarted my server which was needed anyway since it was having problems and hadnt been restarted in about 1 day yet even after restart its still in use any ideas??? ive had this problem before but couldnt find any help and it was stuck on in use forever and had to rebuy. i use HFBServers for my server host if that helps with troubleshooting. Thanks VenomEater If you cant read it heres it reworded. First things first. My key was not stolen unless somehow the person who "stole it" magically new exactly when i had crashed disconnected from a server and joined with the key i know 100% that it wasn't stolen as this same problem has happened to me before basically my game freezes then BE kicks me then i Close Game with DayZCommander and then when i attempt to Reconnect it says CD key in use. It has been in use for over 30 minutes - 1 hour and i know 100% that this key was not stolen