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About SedroCZ

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    On the Coast
  1. Yeah, the same problem for me also :( Any suggestions? Anyone?
  2. After installation of the new patch 1.7.1. and the new beta patch 93825 i get kicked out of almost all servers upon loggin in :( I could log in with 1.7.1 and the previous beta 93701, but now almost all servers run the 93825, so I can't play anymore on the previous beta... Any suggestions what shall I do to run the game again?
  3. SedroCZ

    New beta patch

    Yea, I know, I used beta before, I know how to run it, but this time i am just stuck on the loading screen on every server :(
  4. SedroCZ

    New beta patch

    Nice post :-)
  5. SedroCZ

    New beta patch

    I downloaded the new beta patch for the arma (93666) and now i cant join any server, everytime i stuck on the loading page. Anybody else have the same problem?
  6. SedroCZ

    Camo safe yet?

    I put on camo suit today on 1.7, after reconnection appeared in the middle of nowhere (no trees around) :(
  7. SedroCZ

    Disappearing body after spawn?

    Well, I heard, that your dead body disappears when you disconnect from the server, that could have been the cases you described (body disappeared in front of your eyes), but we didn't disco, just respawned... Maybe a bug...
  8. Yesterday me and my friend got killed (with some serious stuff on) by zombies in some village south of Stary Sobor on sGs&OCO server, so we decided to run straight forward from spawn to our death place... But when we got there, there were no bodies just flies buzzing around the place we died. So our stuff was all lost :( Have anybody of you experienced this?
  9. SedroCZ

    Waiting more than playing

    I guess he ment "Waiting for server" issue.....