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Everything posted by BadoZer

  1. BadoZer

    Weird FPS Problem

    For some reason I have been running with about 8-12 in towns and about 15-18 outside and I still can't figure out why. I have done all the tips and tricks and still doesn't increase.. in fact if i put everything on low with low res, my fps will not change, nor will it change if its on max settings.. No matter what it stays around those numbers. I recently noticed when i scope in it increases to 50-60 fps, and when I open my map it increases a lot as well. Not sure what that means, but if anyone has a idea I would appreciate it.
  2. BadoZer

    Weird FPS Problem

    Quad Core 3.0 8gb of ram 650ti windows 8
  3. BadoZer

    Strange Performance Problem

    I have the same exact problem.. I have tried everything to fix this. Do you both by any chance have windows 8? That is the only thing I can come up with.
  4. BadoZer

    Low fps

    I have been getting 10-15 fps no matter what i do in-game or out. I have lowered the settings to lowest possible, i have also raised the settings to high as possible, I have aslo done the tips and tricks to improve my fps, but nothing works. Computer Specs: 650ti quad core 3.0 8gb ram windows 8, now i recently installed windows 8 and before had windows 7 and i did not have the fps issue, not sure if window 8 something to do with it. If anyone has any idea, I would appreciate it.