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Everything posted by Hypnotisk

  1. Hypnotisk


    Is there any Dayz SA servers with Arma 2 vehicles? I think a server owner mby can put Arma 2 vehicles in a server?
  2. Hypnotisk

    No servers showing up.

    Go to filters and adjust maxping to 500 or something. Just try, worked for me (yeah i got a shit network)
  3. Hypnotisk

    New patch?

    Hello Did they update Dayz SA yesterday? How do i update it?? i dont think mine is updated becuase i havent seen any downloading in steam.. :(
  4. Hypnotisk

    DayZ Standalone makes my internet connection struggle

    I got the same problem.. All others games works great! But after 30 min playing i lose my connection and the internet icon says " No connection".... i also got a lot of desync when my internet is fine..
  5. Hypnotisk

    New patch?

    Yeah. Ofc i started the game :P. But I also have read that you need to "configure the beta system". I havent done that, anybody know how?
  6. Hypnotisk

    DayZ Standalone Vehicles Confirmed!!

    I hope they will make trailes we can hook up to cars, to carry more gear or mby other cars?? :)
  7. Hypnotisk

    DayZ Standalone Vehicles Confirmed!!

    Ahh, thats sucks :( getting tiered of just running...
  8. Hypnotisk

    DayZ Standalone Vehicles Confirmed!!

    Do you guys know if there are any cars in dayz now? (that works ofc.. ) i havent seen any.. :)
  9. Hypnotisk

    Dayz Standalone Car tips

    I would like to see way to attach a trailer to a car, a car trailer. that you can transport cars and gear on the trailer.