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Everything posted by stewby

  1. Hi all , 2 months ago i saw a game called dayz ,thought it looked amazing so i built a pc and got the game ...The first few weeks a thought it was the best game i had ever played until i started to run into hackers script kiddes or what ever they are called (i dont care).i still continue to play dayz most days and its sooooooo annoying walking ,running, driving around a server for days on end collecting kit just to have it wiped out in a second because some little child decided to hack the server .... So the question is ...is there anyone out there 30 years old and over who play dayz and would like to start a server together .Only the more mature people would be allowed in etc take some sorting but let me know and being 39 myself i really cant be botherd with hackers etc
  2. stewby

    server for the over 30`s

    please only serious replys thankyou