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Everything posted by pole.a

  1. pole.a


  2. pole.a


    i know its hard to find people on the server with so many but i recommend the servers that i like there is so many servers to pick from anymore that when i get a good recommendation i go check it out for my own personal opinion. i like the no matinance for the server and it makes it easyer because once u get the base up then all u have to focus on is the AI, keeping supplies up and random people on the server.and i like the god mode in the traded zones. I am on that server and hope to see u on there so we can be friends or enemys depending on how it works out on the server.So lets get to the battlefield so we can decide how this alliance or rivalry works out.
  3. pole.a


  4. pole.a


    it is a 100 man server to we have plenty of room for everyone to join
  5. pole.a


    bump best server i have found should come join
  6. pole.a

    new server

    we have custom bases and we are going to add AI in the custom bases. i would like to see the servers full this weekend so we can get this server off the ground and have full server 24 hrs a day server IP:
  7. pole.a

    new server

    add AI on the map not in all the custom bases
  8. Our server is up and running it is a epoch server and i would like to see the server full of people this weekend if u have some free time and want to try the server out come by and cheack it out. we have coustome camps and buildings and are going to keep adding as time goes on so if u could come by and check it out see u on the battlefield. server ip address:
  9. it is a epoch mod with custom bases
  10. pole.a

    custom maps

    how do i put rockwalls on a map and get them to work i cant figure it out
  11. pole.a

    custom maps

    im trying to use 3d editior and then port over to 2d and just cant get it to work
  12. pole.a

    custom maps

    im trying to make my own map and i want to put stuff like a mine or another moutain and i was wandering how to do it plz help