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About nooby

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  1. Giving a bandit a moment they won't forget...
  2. Check out this video of my impression of Arnold playing DayZ the first time!
  3. nooby

    DayZ Duck Hunter

    Bacon, beef, lamb, why not bird meat?
  4. I have no idea what happened, but this chicken seems to take karate classes on the weekends at the local YMCA
  5. Intense dogfight over the city of Celle as we attempt to shoot down a plane!
  6. nooby

    Namalsk - Friends or Foes?

    Thanks guys! :D
  7. Hi all, After finding a server and joining. I thought I heard something in the distance approaching. Before I knew it I saw a boat pass right in front of me filled with four people! Not knowing what to expect I attempt to make new friends as I follow their trail.
  8. The plot of the story is a survivor attempting to sneak their way to a pond to refill their water bottle until something unexpected happens. http://youtu.be/FsKY5LMoVxE
  9. After finding a bus that was left behind by survivors. We make a quick stop to rescue a friend being chased by zombies. Things don't go so well when we try to leave the airfield.
  10. For a moment I was concerned as to why a bird has suddenly stopped flying in the sky until we realized that was no bird!
  11. After grouping up with TheFloppyRagdoll, while minding our own business a chopper appears out of no where and attacks us!
  12. nooby

    Funny Vehicle Kill

    After running across a body with a hacked gun not realizing there was a truck nearby at first... a bandit attempts to claim them for his own!
  13. nooby

    Fun on Fallujah!

    My first time playing on Fallujah... this is my story. First video: Second video: