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About Coliin

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    Antrim, N.Ireland
  1. Same here, guessing there is no solution yet?
  2. Coliin

    Good or Bad?

    Thanks everyone for the words. I think I have learnt a few things but still need to learn quite a bit more, but that's all part of the fun I guess. So far what I have found fun is the stealth side and killing some z but that was my first real experience meeting someone, somehow I have only came across one other person before and he was friendly but got me killed by bringing a horde of zombie with him. So I think I will stick with my initial gut instinct and that's to only kill when shot at first except when at somewhere with a high yield of loot which is what you guys have taught me. But who knows someday I may change, as Herbert said, the dark side have beans!
  3. Coliin

    Good or Bad?

    I am fairly new at this but I was catching on quite well or so I thought. I have had my first experience with a Bandit or I assume it was. Having played for less than a week I had a 4 day character and was building up a nice little collection of items and weapons. I was at an airfield and admittedly i stupidly ran across a runway to get to a building but I was there for quite sometime and I could not see anyone so I thought I was safe. Anyway he shot me down( allow it did take him a good 6 shots to get me) What bothers me is there was no word, no chat at all just bang your dead not even the courtesy to say sorry buddy but its all in the game. To my main point, When I started playing this I always aimed to be decent, only shoot when attacked but after that I am thinking is there really any benefit to this. It seems quite clear that all the pros are in favour of being a bandit. At my core I am very good person even to the extent were I always aim to be the good guy even when playing games but for this game I may have to bite the bullet and just change my ways. Or maybe my pride is hurting because my ass was handed to me on a plate. Any advise from more experienced people would be greatly appreciated.
  4. I am still quite currently a newbie, only my 3rd dayz. Anyway, yesterday I think I figured how best to succeed in this crazy world. Patience and stealth are your best friend. All day I was going from town to town looting away while being careful on approach and I ws doing very well. I was stocked up on food, drink and plenty of ammo along with what I think was a decent assault rifle with a scope(again quite new so sorry for the ignorance of weapon names and the such) I was in my last town for the day before I was going to head for a near by forest and log off when I hear alot of commotion and the zeds were going crazy and next thing I know some crazy German guy comes into the house I was in and me being a nice guy I did not shoot him in the face. Well we were in a room upstairs when next thing I know he has brought a horde of zeds into the house and they are coming up the stairs which is the only way out. We both started to shoot and were clearing them up quite nicely when next thing something in my head clicked and i though I was Rambo, I go running to the top of the staircase and start shooting and then thats when i see easily 10 zeds that I could see next thing I am cornered somehow and dead within seconds. I respawn and spent an hour and a half making my way back in pure frustration thinking well I could have to bodies to loot maybe, he would at least owe me that after he pretty much caused my death bar my moment of crazy. When I get there there is only one body and all he has left me was one box of painkillers. How he made it out of there I will never know but one thing i do know is never trust a crazy German and in hindsight I probably should have shot him in the face. But that would have made me a Bandit right?