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Everything posted by geauxtime9

  1. geauxtime9

    Direct Chat

    For some reason my direct chat won't work. I play with friends and they can see what i type in direct chat. But, i am unable to read what they say. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  2. I downloaded lingor on dayz commander. However, when i try to play on that map it takes me to the arma2 start screen? Any suggestions? TIA
  3. geauxtime9

    Few Questions

    Played for a day or two. Pretty much picked up on everything. Here is what i don't know. How does humanity work? And the different clothes you spawn in? Also, i don't think my direct chat works. I can't ever see people write me back and i have been told they are talking to me on direct. Is there an option? Is teamspeak something i could downlonad to type in? I don't have a headset. Lastly i want to play with someone i love the game but i want to start teaming up. My DayZ name is Meaux and this is the server i play on...US 3480 its called HFBServers. Someone hit me up if they want to team up im 23 so i would like someone around my age or older who is serious about DayZ.
  4. Yeah, i'm looking for a new server. I have been playing for about a week. So, i have a good feel for the game now. Can someone give me some good servers to play on. I don't like to start with a weapon just the basics on the regular map. I like to play with a good bit of ppl and on a server that doesn't have HACKERS.
  5. geauxtime9

    Direct Chat

    I checked, i'm running the same beta as the server. Idk what it is. It is really annoying though.
  6. geauxtime9

    Direct Chat

    I'm not using a mic just typing.
  7. For whatever reason, my direct chat won't work. People can see when i type to them but i can't read anything when someone types back to me. Am i doing something wrong? Or is there like an in-game option to be able to few direct chat?
  8. geauxtime9

    Can someone fix my direct chat?

    Yeah, everything is update. It's so annoying not being able to use direct chat too. Someone in game said it might have to do with textrue?
  9. Yo, I have been playing DayZ for about a week now. I'm looking to group up with some people and play. I'm full survival and want to work on getting my humanity up to hero status. If anyone is interested let me know.
  10. geauxtime9

    Looking to group up

    What server you play on man? Whats your name in game?
  11. geauxtime9

    Can someone fix my direct chat?

    No, i have been playing with friends.
  12. geauxtime9

    Few Questions

    So why do some have like a turbin and others have on like camo and stuff. Also I think my chat is messed up I have sat right next to someone and couldn't see what they said.
  13. geauxtime9

    Best server for a noob?

    Whats the best server to play on? I'm downloading the game now.
  14. geauxtime9

    Best server for a noob?

    I got it downloaded i just can't figure out the whole server thing. I want to play the regular map not all these random maps. It keeps telling me that i'm not running the same mod as this server? Help please
  15. Getting the game this weekend. Curious to how the gameplay is at night...couldn't find any video on it. More zombies at night?
  16. geauxtime9

    Map Question

    Haven't downloaded the game yet. Is it 1 huge open world map with several different spawn pts? Or multiple mini maps, like a bf3 or COD game?
  17. geauxtime9

    Map Question

    just got two different answers...haha