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Everything posted by HerbertGames

  1. Hello, I am hoping to start a clan that's mainly Australian based; Being an avid dayZ player (I put a good 2-3 hours into it every day.) I felt like something was missing, other than the occasional casual session with friends I've known for years, I never seem to have enjoyable experiences within the game, Australian Servers often have a decent if awesome community, especially the BALOTA BUDDIES servers. Not the most positive bunch but I've had great sessions on the whitelisted Hive. Anyway, back to the clan recruitment thingo, if you're "interested" just fill out the list of options below and I'll get back to you. REQUIREMENT LIST THINGO. Skype|TS3 : Whitelisted on BB : PC specs (Optional) : Experience|Time playing : We will not be wannabe millitants, are you ok with this? : Are you Australian? : Willing to take a couple hours of your free time to get whitelisted on BB? : If you feel like adding me straight out on skype, add this account: boo_boo463 MY SPECS, intel core i7-3770K 3.50GHZ Factory clocking 4 cores 16gb DDR3 RAM 2tb SATA2 HDD 7200RPM ATi RADEON R7850-2gb GDDR5 PCI-E graphics card Blue ray disc drive coolermaster storm enforcer chassis 600w PSU windows 8 64bit
  2. Adding me straight out through skype is ok, but I would prefer if you filled out the "form" :P
  3. HerbertGames

    YouTube Group - Bandits and Heroes.

    What is the ts3 server IP sir? I'm just going to list some stuff to sweeten my application or whatever. Age: 16 Play Style: Shoot when threatened. Experience: Moderate, I can do most things, not a pro. Country: Australia PC Specs: intel core i7-3770K 3.50GHZ Factory clocking 4 cores 16gb DDR3 RAM 2tb SATA2 HDD 7200RPM ATi RADEON R7850-2gb GDDR5 PCI-E graphics card Blue ray disc drive coolermaster storm enforcer chassis 600w PSU windows 8 64bit
  4. So, like many other people I'm trying to start a group to play dayZ with. Just fill out the shit below and I'll get back to you, thanks. 'Straya?: PC Specs: Age: Skype (I can't afford a TS3 server sorry): MORE QUESTIONS LOLOLOL Willing to work with a group?: Are you a decent shot?: Are you a sneaky mofo?: Fill out this little pile-o-words and I'll get back to you; as I said above.
  5. HerbertGames

    Looking for a group in hope of starting clan.

    Is it Australian or are you just spamming?
  6. HerbertGames

    Looking for a group in hope of starting clan.

    self bump My PC specs in case you want to know: Intel core i7-3770K 3.50GHZ Factory clocking 4 cores 16gb DDR3 RAM 2tb SATA2 HDD 7200RPM ATi RADEON R7850-2gb GDDR5 PCI-E graphics card Blue ray disc drive coolermaster storm enforcer chassis 600w PSU windows 8 64bit