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Everything posted by Death_Dealer

  1. Death_Dealer

    Okay, Finally I've made my PC decision

    You went from $900 to $2000, I just don't get it anymore...
  2. Death_Dealer

    Problem with our laptop now... No sound!

    That's what I thought but you can have that theme on Win 7/Vista too
  3. Death_Dealer

    Problem with our laptop now... No sound!

    What OS is it running?
  4. Death_Dealer

    Okay, Finally I've made my PC decision

    The Define R4 is definitely a great case to have, especially for someone just starting out (it has very good cable management options) :beans: For CPU cooler, H100i, or any watercooling in general, is completely unnecessary if you only plan to do small overclocking or no overclocking at all. The Hyper 212 EVO is probably the best price to performance ratio CPU cooler out there
  5. I am not doing this for the ego boost, I do it to try and help people. I'm just perplexed at how you keep trying to argue that pairing an expensive i7 CPU with a low range GPU is somehow a good idea. You seem to be ignoring the fact that games take no advantage of the extra cores and hyperthreading technology in i7 processors (reasons why they are more expensive). I would understand if you went with say, a 4670k, but why the expensive i7? You also seemed to be complaining about bottlenecks yet your build would have been bottlenecked from the start.
  6. 1. You could have let someone waste money on a poorly designed build simply because you "did that build at 2 am" 2. If he intends to use his computer for normal internet usage and gaming, an i7 is completely unnecessary. You can argue all day long but it's simply fact 3. You're pairing a high tier i7 processor with a low tier GPU, that is incredibly unbalanced. Also, there is little to no performance differences among most motherboards 4. Your last sentence doesn't really make any sense Sorry if I sound kinda rude but that build will have actual bottlenecks from the get go. It's just a waste of money and performance
  7. You're wanting him to build a very unbalanced system for the sole purpose of playing a horribly optimized game that is still in early (and slow) development.. That's what I don't understand.
  8. Death_Dealer

    Post a pic of your gaming station

    reddit.com/r/battlestations have fun! :D
  9. I can't really predict how you're going to run the game because I haven't played it in quite a long time and every computer runs the game differently, even if they have the same specs. You should be able to find some help on that question here - http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154395-can-i-run-dayz-retail-post-here/
  10. Really you should just stick with that $800 build, all these ones you're showing are terrible
  11. I also noticed it doesn't even have a hard drive for storage, just a 200gb SSD. If so, then that's even worse.
  12. Overkill PSU, unnecessary processor, and less powerful video card The 4690 is a better option simply because it is significantly cheaper, better oriented for gaming and a newer gen processor Can you give a strict budget range? it seems like you're jumping all over the place.
  13. Yes, it will work fine The other guy was basically suggesting you go with an overpowered CPU and a less powerful GPU. horrible idea.
  14. You do realize the 4790k is already very overkill for gaming alone, right? 4690 + 280x is perfectly fine, there won't be any bottlenecks (again, another reason why I hate the term "bottleneck")
  15. There really is no need to upgrade the PSU for now As for the second question, I'm going to be completely honest: no. Well, yes, but it probably won't be very enjoyable. DayZ is a horribly optimized game, and even the most high end systems can struggle to run it at a good framerate with the highest settings. Some things you can have on high-very high but some other things will also have to be toned down. Some people might consider 30-40 FPS fine to play at but personally I really don't enjoy it; it's all subjective
  16. A 4790k with a 270X? wat.
  17. Death_Dealer

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    No, too weak.
  18. Yes that's one thing to consider, I'm just saying 500w is fine for the 280x alone Then again, GPUs are starting to become much more power efficient, which will be the case in the new upcoming 800 series GPUs from Nvidia in 2015
  19. 500 watts is fine for a 280x, just make sure it's from a reliable brand (Corsair, Seasonic)
  20. Death_Dealer

    2000 PC BUILD

    Avoid prebuilt PCs if you can
  21. Death_Dealer

    Need help with DayZ and other PC build

    Take your time, it may take a couple hours. If you are getting frustrated, believe me it is best to just take a break and relax a little before continuing. Try to build the PC in an area where there is no carpet, like on a wooden table. If you don't have an anti-static wrist watch, touch the metal part of the case every few minutes to discharge yourself Also, there will be a plastic covering protecting the CPU socket pins, KEEP IT! Motherboard manufacturers will not take the motherboard back if that plastic covering is not over the CPU socket. Here is a picture for reference (the thing with the yellow sticker on it): Anyway, sorry if I make it sound like a dangerous procedure :P As long as you're patient and careful, it can actually be a fun thing to do Happy building :)
  22. Death_Dealer

    Need help with DayZ and other PC build

    Do you live in America? If so, Newegg and Amazon are usually the preferred choices. Amazon tends to have very good sales pretty often, and it's even better if you have Amazon Prime. I live in America so that's really all the advice I can give for that As for the build process, I'd recommend watching some build guides on YouTube. LinusTechTips and CareyHolzman are my personal favorites for build guides/videos. Both are very skilled and knowledgeable at what they do.
  23. Death_Dealer

    Need help with DayZ and other PC build

    Go with whatever you're comfortable spending the money on. Personally I would go with the ATX version simply because it's easier to work with There are no performance differences, the mATX boards just have fewer SATA ports, PCI / PCI E slots, and DIMM (RAM) slots
  24. Death_Dealer

    Need help with DayZ and other PC build

    Never worked with it, so couldn't say. The $700 build has a very slightly lower tier processor (minimal difference from the $800 build processor), and a lower tier graphics card. (the GTX 760 is by no means bad, just the 280x performs better) It also has a mATX (micro ATX) motherboard and case. The motherboard and case will be smaller than your typical ATX sized motherboards and cases. The $800 build however has an ATX motherboard and case. In conclusion, $700 build has a very slightly lower tier processor, a slightly lower tier graphics card, and a smaller case and motherboard.
  25. Death_Dealer

    Need help with DayZ and other PC build

    It's a pretty powerful PC, yes. You should have no problems playing current games on high-very high settings with it. The R9 280x performs about the same as the GTX 770, so go with whichever one is cheapest.