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Everything posted by Death_Dealer

  1. Death_Dealer

    Razer or Alienware?

    You may want to check this out, http://www.amazon.com/MSI-GT70-Dominator-893-9S7-1763A2-893-17-3-Inch/dp/B00IMTQ6O0/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1402321300&sr=8-9&keywords=msi+gaming+laptop, currently $1,000+ off, and it's much better than both those overpriced pieces of shit laptops. However unless you absolutely need a laptop, I'd highly recommend going with a custom built desktop computer.
  2. Death_Dealer

    Recoloring RAM heatsinks

    As the title says, I'm wanting to recolor the heatsinks on my ram sticks, just for aesthetics. At first I was going to just take off the heatsink itself but I'm kind of worried about it ripping the memory modules out. I thought an easier way to do it would be to cover up the exposed PCB and gold connection bits and just spray paint the rest. Is this safe? also, I know it will void the warranty
  3. Death_Dealer

    Recoloring RAM heatsinks

    Enamel spray paint should work fine in those types of temperatures (there's quite a lot of airflow in my case so it stays pretty cool). I'm only painting the front side of the heat spreader and will try to keep the layers as thin as possible.
  4. Death_Dealer

    Recoloring RAM heatsinks

    Not sure where you're getting your information but plenty of people have done this and their ram was basically not affected at all. I'm also running my ram at stock voltage and speed.
  5. Death_Dealer

    Problems Drawing my weapons

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  6. Death_Dealer

    Recoloring RAM heatsinks

    Running Prime95 in blend mode for a few minutes really helped loosen that thermal compound :P
  7. Death_Dealer

    Recoloring RAM heatsinks

    Yeah the paint will probably raise temps ever so slightly, but the heatsink itself is already useless enough at dissipating heat I'm just worried about the goodies underneath
  8. Death_Dealer

    Recoloring RAM heatsinks

  9. Death_Dealer

    I built that puter!

    What he ^ said. Take advantage of that K at the end.
  10. Death_Dealer

    Friendly ?

    Is it just me or does that look like some creepy ass man-goat creature?
  11. SSDs will help significantly reduce stuttering from loading textures and such giving the impression that your FPS is higher. So even if it doesn't affect your FPS, it still looks smoother.
  12. Death_Dealer

    Buying a gaming PC!

    I think at this point you should really be able to pick stuff on your own. This adventure has carried on for several months now and has accumulated to over 10 pages of crap. Kind of ridiculous imo
  13. Death_Dealer

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Didn't we already pick a computer out for you about several hundred times now?
  14. Death_Dealer

    About the eating sound

    Idk, the eating noises kind of make me hungry.
  15. Death_Dealer

    DayZ commander not opening at all

    Turn off avast's shields temporarily (video below) and see if DayZ commander works then
  16. Death_Dealer

    Which GFX Card to go for?

    The 4GB of VRAM on the AMD card will be a waste of money if you plan on gaming on a single 1080p monitor. IMO go with the 760, it is more powerful than the 270x in most cases.
  17. Death_Dealer

    DayZ commander not opening at all

    Try disabling Windows Firewall Go to your Control Panel → System and Security → Windows Firewall → then on the left side find and click "Turn Windows Firewall on or off" and turn it off from there.
  18. Death_Dealer

    Building a computer for DayZ

    PC building is really easy (it's like legos for adults) and also fun. If you're still worried you could ask one of your friends to come over and help. Most people choose to build their own PC as it's much cheaper and the options much more flexible. Plus you get that great satisfaction at the end :D
  19. Death_Dealer

    Building a computer for DayZ

    Is building your own PC an option?
  20. Death_Dealer

    Buying a gaming PC!

    You shouldn't skimp on the monitor. Your PC could be among the best in the world, but a shitty monitor will completely ruin your gaming experience. Perhaps you could ask your parents/neighbors/etc if you could do some work and earn some money for a good monitor.
  21. Death_Dealer

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Now it's time for you to start watching some PC building videos :P The building process is easy, but you should still watch some videos to learn some tips and get prepared. I'd suggest checking out some of Linustechtips' build videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8mG-RkN2uTwlcLU_rv29Gt4578XfgJm_
  22. Death_Dealer

    Buying a gaming PC!

    There seems to be a common theme in PC building where your first PC has lots of LEDs and things like that, and your second is very clean and plain looking. In my opinion having lots of lights might look cool at first, but you'll start to hate it and want something more plain. It really comes down to personal choice though, so choose what you want for that. The X4 has red backlit keys
  23. Death_Dealer

    Buying a gaming PC!

    You shouldn't go with certain things just because they look shiny and have lights. That mouse looks fine, but I'm just saying. Speaking of, a word of advice: don't have a shit ton of lights on/in your case, you will regret it greatly later.
  24. Death_Dealer

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Take a look at this - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826105507 Cheap, does what it needs to do, doesn't look as awful as many of the other cheap mice