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Everything posted by Death_Dealer

  1. Death_Dealer

    Do you play dayz utes?

    Not even DayZ, just fast-paced team deathmatch Zombies become harmless props They're also pay2win, most of them, which I hate. You start with shitty guns and gear but if you donate fat stacks you can get things like DMRs, lapuas, AS50s, etc
  2. Death_Dealer

    PC Question

    Go with a Corsair case if you want simple elegance with no flashing lights and shit
  3. What was Tiger looking for in the toilet? Pooh we need more productive people such as myself do we not
  4. Death_Dealer

    Steam or Dayzcommander?

    Playwithsix is fucking shit, so is steam dayzcommander4lyfe B)
  5. Death_Dealer

    Thinking of upgrading(ish)

  6. Death_Dealer

    New PC Time!

    Nice build. :) Metro Last Light isn't really a good game to test/judge your PC on imo as it's very intensive on the graphics
  7. Death_Dealer

    New PC Time!

    which one did you choose/specs?
  8. Death_Dealer

    Using Landing Auto-pilot makes you crash

    Landing auto pilot usually causes your plane to stall during turns and such and plummet towards the ground Learn how to fly and land without it, that's the only solution
  9. Death_Dealer


    dat music dat video quality my cancer it hurts
  10. Death_Dealer

    Help with building a decent gaming PC

    Get rid of the SSD and upgrade the GPU A good GPU is far more important than having a SSD. SSDs basically only save you time You can add one later if you wish, they're getting cheaper by the day
  11. Death_Dealer

    less drama more game talk

    gotta love the mutton :D
  12. Death_Dealer

    Gaming PC Troubles?

    Normally I would say how much FPS you could expect to get, but Arma 2/DayZ is just too random when it comes to that
  13. Death_Dealer

    dayz epoch deployable motorbike

    Deploying bikes is a DayZ Overwatch feature, it does not exist in Epoch
  14. Actually briefcases cost 12 10oz gold bars, not 10. I believe they only hold 10 10oz gold bars, so that means you pay 2 10oz extra for the briefcase itself Yes keep it, it will save you a good bit of gold, space, and time. Right click the empty briefcase and it should allow you to add gold bars (10oz) to it :)
  15. Death_Dealer

    The worlds most powerful GPU

    Start working and saving money now so you can get something better!
  16. Death_Dealer

    The worlds most powerful GPU

    Sorry but the Nvidia Quadro K6000 takes the cake Even if it is a professional GPU, it's still a GPU Quadro K6000 - 2880 CUDA cores GTX Titan - 2688 CUDA cores And the titan is an overpriced piece of shit, I'd never buy one Also looks like you just copypasta'd all that from some page or article. I bet you don't even know what half of it means >.>
  17. Death_Dealer

    Day Z Wallpapers

    1920x1080 Taken at Tulga :)
  18. Death_Dealer

    Help build me a Gaming PC for DayZ!

    First of all, you didn't specify many things. You just said "an AMD processor". What processor? There are many, many different kinds What's your budget?
  19. Death_Dealer

    Hero base/ bandit base

    All of what mr. mike said
  20. Death_Dealer

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    High-very high 40-60+ fps Remember to install ArmA 2 / ArmA 2 OA onto that SSD, it will help with loading times and game stuttering issues which in return makes the game run much smoother :)
  21. Death_Dealer

    New PC Time!

    750 watts would be overkill, go 600/650 watts to save money
  22. Skins, I don't know about skins Roughly it has about 40 skins available for purchase at traders (bandit trader, neutral trader, hero trader) (not including ones you can get off of AI) Visit the epoch wiki and explore there -- http://dayzepoch.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page