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Everything posted by Death_Dealer

  1. Death_Dealer

    dayz orgins and epoch

    Origins is actually pretty good, but epoch takes the cake for me
  2. Death_Dealer

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Which is why bottles filled with the most premium vodka should be scattered around cities :) and dem molotov cocktails
  3. Death_Dealer

    Adding .50s Back In

    That's called pay2win, the very thing that ruins games
  4. Death_Dealer

    Which SSD?

    I love the feel of SSDs ...
  5. Death_Dealer

    Overclocking my GTX 650 1GB

    Overclocked my 3570k to 4.3GHz from its default setting, didn't see much improvement at all for DayZ or arma 2. Unnoticeable in fact.. :huh: OCing your GPU will be a waste of time and effort, it'll do you no good
  6. Death_Dealer

    Adding .50s Back In

    Assuming you can even get a stable stance with these .50s you want back, shooting them while standing would either knock you on your ass or mess up your shoulder. Sometimes both :) Not to mention the incredible boom it produces would attract everything within miles to your location I'm fine with them being in the game as long as there are limitations like having to go prone and mount the weapon before shooting
  7. Death_Dealer

    Call of Duty Zombies meets DayZ?

    It's not gonna happen man
  8. Death_Dealer

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    I think rocket's dead rip
  9. Death_Dealer

    New Gaming Desktop Opinion

    No, waste of money get a 780
  10. Death_Dealer

    idea for punish thief

    you could still shoot rifles and such, though high caliber rounds and shotguns would probably ruin your shoulder and arm
  11. Death_Dealer

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Spent $1,900+ because of this game.. worth it
  12. Death_Dealer

    New Gaming Desktop Opinion

    overkill processor12GB of RAM ... wot GTX 650 + i7 4770 ... wot Should have been an i5 3570k + GTX 760/GTX 770 and 8GB of RAM
  13. Death_Dealer

    Call of Duty Zombies meets DayZ?

    No it wouldn't work CoD zombies = fast paced DayZ = slow paced they aren't meant for each other
  14. Death_Dealer

    Got new gpu but it lags

    Your processor is way too weak to get even remotely close to good frames on dayz
  15. Death_Dealer

    My and your reason to Kill on Sight (KoS)

    I was talking to both you and KoS, not just you if you guys have an issue then use the pm system instead of hijacking someone else's thread -- I kill mainly because I don't want to be killed myself. In the standalone however i'll probably just avoid everyone as best as I can
  16. Death_Dealer

    My and your reason to Kill on Sight (KoS)

    Could you take your shit elsewhere please
  17. This poll really means nothing, because as it was put a few posts up... There IS going to be a fair amount of killing on sight, and it's going to add up and up and up till we get to where we are in the mod. The only true way to stop this is to force play styles on people, aka bad idea. Or make loots so rare that there's no point in even playing the game anymore I've played on quite a few hardcore veteran vanilla DayZ servers (most military weapons banned, etc you get the idea) and there was still a lot of killing on sight. Most people don't care about loot rarity, they just want to kill stuff
  18. Cmon don't get this thread locked
  19. I can pretty much guarantee there will still be a lot of the KoS mentality similar to the mod in the SA. People don't give a fuck how rare loot is, they're going to get what they can and go murder others, like the mod The poll even shows that 27% would rather kill anyone they see, regardless of if their gear gets destroyed or not. Only 26% will be friendly
  20. Death_Dealer

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Why is that funny?
  21. Death_Dealer

    Best Current Version of Day Z?

    Epoch > Vanilla
  22. Death_Dealer

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    I have now come to the conclusion that the standalone will never come out this is sad Regarding the comparison pic on the OP, the standalone version just has more buildings, trees, and a bluer sky. Other than that they look identical, the trees in the arma 2 one actually look better