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Everything posted by Death_Dealer

  1. You do seem to bring out the darker side of people. I don't really see why but that might just be me considering I don't care about other people's opinions :) It's okay to see a post or thread that's not in favor of DayZ or the devs, criticism is necessary for a well made game. Obviously blatantly bashing the game isn't going to do much, but I have seen people get absolutely swarmed for making valid points that went against the "positive" view of the mod/game, if that makes any sense
  2. Death_Dealer

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Hype is dying, but it's being confused with forgetfulness There isn't near as much excitement for the standalone as there used to be many weeks and months ago. However that doesn't mean that people just abandoned the idea of ever playing the standalone; they're going to find out it's been released and get hyped up again
  3. Death_Dealer

    DayZ Early Access on SteamDB.info?

    It would appear so
  4. Death_Dealer

    I have turned!

    this is how killing on sight spreads ladies and gents
  5. Death_Dealer

    Rockets Journey...GIF

    good grafix 10/10 storyline would market
  6. Death_Dealer

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    http://steamdb.info/sub/17511/#section_history pew pew
  7. Death_Dealer

    Incorrect CD key :/

  8. Death_Dealer

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    thanks for the new wallpaper
  9. Death_Dealer

    DayZ Macros

  10. Haha I remember coming across the remnants of that base good quality video too ... more please :D
  11. Death_Dealer

    What's with the DMR / SVD?

    Waaaait a minute nobody said anything about keeping on target
  12. Death_Dealer

    What's with the DMR / SVD?

    Wow like there must have been a virus released into the air that makes people shoot slower! It's, like, the perfect plot maaaaan this is pathetic a DMR/SVD would not have that much kick irl, and a grown man could easily control it no matter the firing rate
  13. Death_Dealer

    Current Trend

    Lazy? eh maybe there is really nothing to do anymore. It's gotten way too repetitive; go up north, get some gear, RIP. I can understand why people would rather sit at the coast and kill others
  14. Death_Dealer

    Am I Insane?.

    stopped reading here obsession with .. Nazis - if you do in fact have a REAL obsession with nazis then please seek some helpDinosaurs - are you 5?Schnitzel - overused, not funnyLSD - something you've never doneother stuff - I do not wish to know Sorry for shitting on the parade :D
  15. The freedoms of your country do not apply everywhere on the internet son if this forum was a country, I'm pretty sure it'd have a totalitarian style government
  16. Death_Dealer

    STANDALONE - lynch mob

    Maybe if small settlements were formed, death by hanging could be a form of punishment I really hope the standalone won't be the same shit over and over - spawn, get gear, go up north, die I'd like to be able to try to get civilization running again
  17. Death_Dealer

    My Survival Suggestions For NoobZ.

    Unfortunately there is no "surviving off the land" like you'd think Every supermarket is jam packed with food and goodies, and hunting is literally one of the easiest things to do This is one of the prime reasons why so many people are anxiously waiting for the standalone - it will (should) be much more survival-oriented
  18. Death_Dealer

    Computer For Under £1000 For DayZ?

    Then a 3570k/2500k will do you fine :)
  19. Death_Dealer

    A new mouse for me

    I was not aware that having large amounts of currency made you a device used for smoking
  20. Death_Dealer

    A new mouse for me

    Deathadder all the way
  21. Death_Dealer

    Adding .50s Back In

    I could see a lot of tears and fraud coming from that A lot of kids play DayZ and they're easily tricked, happens on ecksbawks live all the time
  22. Death_Dealer

    Adding .50s Back In

    Wait, I thought you were talking about microtransactions? can you please specify what you're getting at - real money or fake in game money?