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Everything posted by Death_Dealer

  1. Death_Dealer

    The game needs nametags

  2. Death_Dealer

    help me dont waste money

    I'd downgrade the SSD and/or CPU (4670k to 3570k; when gaming there's little to no performance difference) for a better GPU, it's a tad lacking
  3. Solution: learn the landscape like a real manly man
  4. Death_Dealer

    What a rip-off...

    I was expecting another visit to the graveyard :P
  5. Death_Dealer

    Dean Hall is the Einstein of game dev

    cop-out [kop-out] noun | Informal. 1. an act or instance of copping out; reneging; evasion: The governor's platform was a cop-out.
  6. Death_Dealer

    Two Jerks Attack a Fresh Spawn (I kill one)

    Banditry seems way more common
  7. Death_Dealer

    Admire the landscape

    I refuse to believe these pictures didn't have any after effects added to them... (still haven't played :()
  8. Death_Dealer

    Expert Comparison Wanted (Gaming Laptop)

    :facepalm: ... :facepalm: ................... :facepalm:
  9. Death_Dealer

    What Case?

    Personally I would go with this. I hope £5 isn't too much extra to pay :P - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Corsair-CC-9011030-WW-Performance-Windowed-Computer/dp/B00D6GINF4/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1386029268&sr=8-3&keywords=corsair+carbide Amazing case; great build quality and construction. Thing makes cable management a breeze. It should also fit your 212 EVO fine, but I'd still double check to be sure. This might help some more -
  10. Death_Dealer

    What happened to melee combat? (mod)

    I've been playing vanilla DayZ (just got back into it) for a few days now and have never once gotten hit by a zombie while using melee weapons
  11. Death_Dealer

    November Round-up

    Release it on Christmas eve
  12. Death_Dealer

    Best wireless controller for PC

    The basic freedoms of your country do not apply so much here, son.
  13. Death_Dealer

    First Build, Will it run DayZ?

    DayZ mod? That's hard to tell, FPS is pretty random on that. You should be able to pull off medium-high settings with good FPS (except in towns/cities, they drop FPS regardless of specs) DayZ standalone? No telling, you'll have to wait and see when it comes out
  14. Death_Dealer

    November Round-up

    Player driven missions would be cool A group of players might ask another person/group to run an errand for them in return for say ammo or fuel. Seems pretty RPish though which I'd imagine would be ruined quickly by various troll players, sadly
  15. Death_Dealer

    Unplayable FPS on very good PC

    Arma 2 is pretty random when it comes to FPS. Some computers will get better FPS, others worse, sometimes regardless of specs The standalone should be out soon though, and it will supposedly run much better than it's mod counterpart
  16. Death_Dealer

    DayZ Standalone Collectors Edition

    Yes, No, Yes Adding a special clothing item for DayZ wouldn't harm a thing. It'd be like the capes in Minecraft or the Dice developer dog tags in BF3
  17. Death_Dealer

    First Build, Will it run DayZ?

    Hopefully GTA 5 won't be as bad as that disgusting mess known as the PC version of GTA 4, it ran horribly
  18. Death_Dealer

    Best laptop to run dayz at good fos for under 600$

    Literally not possible, sorry.
  19. Death_Dealer

    Imitating zombie walking.

    Seeing as they aren't traditional zombies* and more humans with a nasty case of the flu and munchies, they probably spot prey (normal people) based on their movement Smell may play some role, but not much in my opinion. Most zeds probably don't smell that different from normal people (remember we don't have showers anymore ;)), so they would ignore the smell anyway. They aren't undead either so many of them don't (yet) have rotting, worm infested flesh *Because zombies can be killed by a normal shot to the body, in my eyes they aren't traditional zombies, or undead if you prefer tl;dr good idea, I think it'd work pretty well
  20. Death_Dealer

    wound animals to distract zombies

    You guys are messed up but good idea
  21. Death_Dealer

    Grapics Card, Opinions Needed

    Here is a good balance of that budget - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130921. Great card, have one myself. Runs everything flawlessly. But if you're willing to stretch the budget a bit for more power, try this - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130918 I chose EVGA w/ ACX cooling cards because in my opinion those are the best. You can look at some other models, they might be more appealing to you GTX 770 models - http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=gtx+770&N=-1&isNodeId=1 GTX 780 models - http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=gtx+780&N=-1&isNodeId=1
  22. Playing with head bob and first person only, good way to prep yourself for the SA. And it's just fun in general
  23. Guess I missed this Good ol dayz here I come....