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About Slyguy65

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  1. Slyguy65

    WTF just happened?

    Well thanks for shedding light on something I thought was impossible, the game became shittier than it already was. I am done.
  2. Slyguy65

    WTF just happened?

    So I log in after a few months, and my 3rd person guy still has all his stuff, with mosin and long range I then proceed to go to svet up north and practice sniping. So im up on the mountains looking at the town, and after trying to shoot zombies on looters, I fail hard and don't even think i hit either one. Anyway after about 2 stacks of ammo later, I thought I was frozen, but in fact my guy stood up and was stuck leaning, the gun was unequipped, and I soon realized it was just GONE. Not unequipped...gone. Not on the ground, not in bag. So uh ya WTF???? This has never happened to me before is this a glitch? Do scripters have power to do stuff like this now? Shedding light on this BS would be helpful.
  3. Slyguy65

    There is no such thing as a random kill.

    Most deaths are without purpose, if you consider "eh i was bored" or "for the lulz". If those are reasons then that is the same as a psychopath saying the same to a real life murder, the only true reason is because they wanted to, aside from selfish (usually trollish) intent, there are very few justified reasons people kill, i would say the selfish drive to kill is 50% and the other 50% of people killing, are the ones killing the selfish ones out of defense. Don't try and fantasize the game, its not as hardcore or in depth as people like to think. Its a game, where it takes a lot of time to do and get stuff, a lot of people know this and take enjoyment from shafting everyone else from doing this. Or they have collected whatever they wanted and decided to play the open world CoD part of the game. Until a game comes out that truly encourages survival and not simply rewarding those who troll the ones trying to survive i doubt anything philosophical and deep along the lines of this thread will be needed. I honestly don't see how you can make an open ended game with actual consequence without it being too restricting. Dayz is just, a virtual kill space, no consequence for the ones without a care other than to kill people (which is most at this point). The only ones punished in this game are the ones who actually try and survive. And to me that is fucked up. Added text "But, sly,not everyone is a dick their are heros and bandits, not just bandits." Oh ya, totally, waiting for karma's swift judgment to come and...oh look he died, good yes g....oh look he respawned and is back to camping and killing....ya its a game, the bad guys respawn and the good guys are so few and far its a ripple in the ocean. Lets not forget the fact almost every neutral goes bandit because of how fed up he/she is with trying to be good. Its like real life in that regard i think, there is more bad than good because people get tired of the bad winning. Also, that is the other thing, this game, because its just an open kill space people naturally created sides, in this case its hero and bandits. And with all the people wanting more ways to kill, well idk. I just dont understand why people don't just play arma 3 if they want an open kill space TDM...oh right, I forgot. Its not as enjoyable to grief in that game.
  4. Slyguy65

    How to make DayZ perfect

    Dayz won't be perfect, its a protoype, a pioneer. It introduced players to hardcore survival genre. Now the only thing to do is wait until a better engine with a better game comes out. Though making hardcore survival possible in an online setting is kind of hard since it will always be filled with trolls out to simply kill the ones trying to stay alive, so until there is an actual solution to that no game like dayz will be the best it can be.
  5. Slyguy65

    Why did it take them so long to make this.

    Why is dayz just now getting the amount of devs it needed at the very start (i.e dedicated teams for different areas; animals, ai, etc). At least from the vague updates I have read thats how it sounds its like they cut the ribbon for a new mall, and just now adding in the stores a few months in. TBH I notice this trend in f2p games (where we essentially give mmicro donations to kep the game updated with micro transactions). But for a title that asked for 30 dollars at the get go for a game that didnt start getting the man power it needed till later,just gives me mixed reactions. I can't tell if they brought in more people cause they could. Or cause they think they need to stay ahead of the f2p counterpart of their game, h1z1. If its the latter, would they just have left dayz stay in its turtle speed state if h1z1 hadnt been on the horizon?
  6. Because dayz isnt even focusing on the IT factor itself The game is clearly flocked to because of griefing/deathmatch factor. NOT THE SURVIVAL..or lol..the zombies, rust has sown the environmental enemy can be whatever. This fact saddens me, but hey its the truth. I bet if they just did something like planetside 2 scale wise with no teams, and charecter customization and junk they would have what people are wanting. Which is simply an open world death match mmo. No matter how many cool things are added to dayz, whether they have fortifying or base building... or vehicle building or gathering, hunting. Nope, the majority will still just focus on the griefing, deathmatch aspect above all else. The other features will simply be icing on the cake when attempting to grief as hard as possible. It is actually kind of sick to me how people get off on how much they can piss someone lse off, like as sick as torture, cause it is really the same thing except to multiple people instead of just one. Ya I am kinda calling the game a circlejerk of griefers and spiters who want to fuck over eachother for fun. I thought the game would evolve past that 1 dimensional path and be more of survival sim with player created trades and stuff, but because of the lack of any actual things to do, like rstoring power, taking out hordes, finding military. The only thing people were imprinted with was "hmm no one here, oh wait *bang* yay something to do besides looting" TLDNR Dayz gave an awesome taste of what could be, unfortunately it lacked depth at the start and never really improved on that so people just got used to loving the only thing available; looting, killing. Because its all we know, there wont be any change (in behavior).
  7. Slyguy65

    New Patch great...BUT

    Or you know just reduce client side shit....that way hackers don't have much of a gateway
  8. Slyguy65

    animal urine or scent for hunting

    Yes I would like the ability to track humans threw fecal tasting.
  9. Slyguy65

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    wow, if there is legit fishing and not just the items to fish, then ya this is worth the wait. Lot of stuff, wish they would just let their community know instead of just dumping all these stuff we have to find....not like full disclosure, but like a heads up like -We got fishing now -We got woodcutting -Fireplaces are now build able Just saying, I am all for crowd sourcing but when its done in a way that requires lots of waiting then to be put on a forced easy egg hunt...idk. Anyway I am just glad they have been working on a lot of stuff, didn't think fishing and tree chopping was coming yet. And another big town is also impressive.
  10. So there was this link a couple months back where it sent me to a twitch highlight with rocket doing a q&a. Among a lot of things, the question about whether or not cars were going to take very long to be implemented was asked, and someone guessed at summer being the earliest. He replied saying with confidence that summer was a very conservative estimate and said spring would be a good guess. Well seeing as survival isn't even in yet, I am going to guess that vehicles probably won't be coming out until like winter. I assume summer will just bring the hunting/surviving update and fall will be more fixes hopefully, then winter will be more features. It is sad to see this game coming along slowly, but hey, after dealing with planetside 2 since launch; (gave up on that late 2013, side note I found out the continent they promised a year ago is still not out.). I think it is safe to say dayz hasn't gotten that bad yet, but honestly with the almost complete shut down of experimental servers (they are never up to my knowledge), as well as the fact that no real changes or fixes are happening (zombies still ignore physics, the only thing to do is just run/loot/shoot, no depth.) I am starting to think the game is not living up to what it could be. Yes you could say the re spawning zombies is a step in the right direction. But honestly that is about the only real sign of progress i have seen in almost 6 months. BTW guns, more trees, buildings. ARE NOT features, if this game is in ALPHA, we should be seeing more of the core features of the game being made. More guns and items and such are the extra stuff they can add any time. So ya, to me this SA is just looking like a reskinned mod with all those simple additions WHICH IS WHAT THEY SAID THEY WERE NOT DOING. And made it explicitly clear that that is the reason SA wasn't out a year ago. Personally I think BI just soaked up the money from the hype and is now just half assing the project to ensure as high a profit margin as possible. BUT HEY, that is just my thoughts.
  11. Slyguy65

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    wow so what 2 weeks huh...ya this game uh...ya
  12. Slyguy65

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Ya, after all we should handicap ourselves after spending 30 dollars on a game that shows no sign of picking up the pace....ya how dare we have standards. If they knew the game would take well over a year to even finish, the responsible thing to do would to have been to hold off on early access until AT LEAST 6 months from full release. Not a year and a half. To me it just feels like BI, is trying to make as much a profit as possible, considering DayZ is literally their savior financially. So instead of pouring profits back into the game, they are taking safe/greeding route and just sitting on as much profit as they can soak up before DayZ fades into obscurity. I say this because of the sheer amount of copy cats coming out of the wood work, and yet there isn't much word on BI trying to keep up the pace and stay ahead development wise. So ya to me it feels half assed, there should be news about doubling or tripling the size of their current teams. Yes, I know they got an animal team or something like that, but that is just a single step when to me it seems like they could step it up a few more than that. The speed and quality of updates feels IDENTICAL to the mod, when they were just some indie mod, but jesus they are something big now in the PC gaming scene. And yet...still, just, chipping away....at the same pace. TL:DNR They need to step it up, and get an influx of speed/personnel going development wise, since the SA feels identical in fact maybe even a little slower than the original mods development. P.S Let us not forget how they have been working on this a whole year prior (or close to it), with near the same engine they were accustomed to...so nothing too crazy really changed when transferring from mod to SA. It isn't like they went from arma 2 engine to cry or frostbite. If they did I could understand the sheer slowness in development... But when they worked on it a year prior, THEN saw great financial success and no noticeable boost in development happened...ya I feel like this is a long con. I mean the game isn't worth 30 bucks as it is now (considering we have a finished version of its predecessor back in the mod), with the speed at which it is continuing on, and that SHOULD, and does piss people off.
  13. Slyguy65


    Main thing i wanna see is the shape of containers affecting their storage shape
  14. Slyguy65

    OK, now what.

    More like "I hardly play this rarely updated game and on the night with a blue moon when i try, I get this"
  15. Slyguy65

    OK, now what.

    This site is better