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About Frenzy1

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  1. -US 1745- Server Ip: Team-speak Ip: Azzjack.broke-it.net Server uses Rmod! To install Rmod download the folder and drag it into your Arma 2 OA folder Link for Rmod: http://www.mediafire.com/download/idr7hprerq1qa75/rMod+public.rar -Custom bases Groups of 5+ will have a custom protected base. -Custom vehicles 50cal Humvees Nighthawk helicopter Black hawk helicopter C-130 plane Osprey +More Lots of custom buildings 3 barracks at North east airfield 3 extra barracks at North west airfield Added castle towers for sniping, locations: North east airfield, Kamyshovo, Sniper hill Added firehouses around the the map Extra heli crashes Many more! Very active admins inside team-speak always willing to help
  2. Currently on a private server atm, ( open to play w/e ) and will only play chernarus. Trying to find players who are mature and don't sing into the mic etc.. For the most part I'm a bandit, I'll shoot anyone with a high power rifle or players in area such as NWAF I will however not shoot fresh spawns or camp cherno/elektro killing every poor sole who picks up a enfield. If your up for playing message me on skype :) Skype - Tankingrs hope to see you guys!
  3. Frenzy1

    RIP DayZ

    What happen to DayZ? Went from mature players to all the 12 year old cod kids who find a gun and run around like mad men killing every fresh spawn they see. I had to resort to shooting every player I see, if they enter a fire station unarmed I have to kill them because I know they will shoot me in the back if I don't. I haven't had fun in DayZ for a very long time. Finding a teammate is 1% chance its someone who takes the game seriously, odds are you will have to put up with the 12-15 year old kid singing and screaming into his 5$ Walmart mic while his 7 little brothers are crying in the background. I hope the standalone will bring back the mature players because as of now there is no point in putting up with what happen to this mod.
  4. Frenzy1

    US Mature LF Group / Squad

    Hey guys, have TS and I'm 18 been trying to find a group that isnt trying singing or making loud noises or just being immature. Timezone is EST, usually free to play whenever
  5. Must have a mic, be mature and play often. Playing on cherno got a heli atm need help taken out a few guys. Please have good aim its frustrating when all 100 shots are gone and no one died. Skype - Tankingrs
  6. Frenzy1


    Yeah bro, not kidding atleast 10+ crashes were at starry last night on a server I went on, couldnt loot many as I have no blood but were mostly svd dmrs and shotguns
  7. Frenzy1

    Chernaruse Squad (13-16) (US)

    So let me guess this straight, all of peoples earned loots and vehicle finds are all yours. You're group is only for young kids and you say help will take a while to fellow teammates. I'll pass
  8. Frenzy1

    Looking For A Squad

    Exactly what I ment, and yes you did posting a topic for anyone on the forum to comment on.
  9. Not looking for a clan just a few people to play dayz with, getting a bit bored of being a lone wolf. Been playing for a while and will do both private and public servers Add my skype : Tankingrs
  10. Frenzy1

    Looking For A Squad

    As if 14 is any better? I'm sure ill have to listen to you cry when you lose you're enfield.
  11. Not looking for a clan just a few people to play dayz with, getting a bit bored of being a lone wolf. Been playing for a while and will do both private and public servers Add my skype : Tankingrs
  12. I'm getting kicked from every official server I play, my friends in game say its random errors every time like plant errors or civial\citizan errors just things that don't make sense and its starting to get annoying. I reinstalled arma 2 and OA tried deleting arma 2 in reg edit, verifying game cache in steam nothing works!
  13. Name: Devon Age: 17 Teamspeak Name: Frenzy Mic?: Yes good studio mic. Why do you want to join?: Getting bored of playing solo and trying to find mature players. Exp in game: Decent amount been told I have a good shot. Timezone: EST. Bio: Normally a friendly player and will leave players far away alone, but if a player has say a high power rifle and is near my area or serves a threat I will shoot. In Game Name: Frenzy
  14. Frenzy1

    Need teammates

    Need a few teammates to play with regularly who are at least somewhat experienced with the game and who's voice doesn't sound like a chipmunk or who are highly annoying ( been dealing with them all day ) if you are interested add me on skype : Tankingrs