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About Bowsa

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Bowsa


    if I join a different server do I lose all my character info?
  2. Bowsa


    How do you know when it'll be daylight then lads? bored of running round in the dark lol. at this time even -12hr servers are dark. usually use uk410 server (I think) and at 07:30 its dark. is there any problem with giving people your GUID?
  3. Bowsa


    cheers for the advise lads, its very much appreciated. quite a hard game as a noob to start up on. Pick up COD its easy, Halo easy DayZ things just arent obvious.
  4. Bowsa


    Cheers Lads, and what about the whitelisting number that is being asked for?
  5. Bowsa


    Cheers for this inception, how can I check my humanity.....do you know what you need to do to get hero status? Also when being whitelisted they usually ask for a number do you know where I would find this or what it is for
  6. Bowsa


    Hi All, Hero/Bandit Fairly new to the game, I have been seeing a lot about hero's / bandits. and wondering a bit about them. Basically to get to Hero I understand you have to forfill several criteria like, giving 50 transfusions. What I wanted to know is once you have Hero status do you have it forever? or just while you player is alive that one time? So if you die, does this reset? Also if I got hero Status, and then went on a killing spree, do you lose your hero status and perks or not? White list How do I get whitelisted? and do I need to do this for individual servers? or just the once? Cheers all