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Everything posted by Goranovitch

  1. Goranovitch

    .pbo file and addon error

    also here, got the same problem after all the things that i could possible do
  2. Hey i have some problems joining some servers, photo is added here, i don't know what to do about this :s can someone please help me?
  3. Goranovitch

    i can't access lots of servers

    anyone? :(
  4. Goranovitch

    i can't access lots of servers

    doesnt matter, same problem :/
  5. Goranovitch

    .pbo file and addon error

    does anyone still have this problem, still got it and can't play
  6. Goranovitch

    i can't access lots of servers

    well thats not really the problem, i've got the correct version and mod but still lots of times i get this message :/