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About Calcunonn

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    On the run
  1. Calcunonn

    What are your stories of friendship or betrayal?

    Here's something I've experienced: I spawned near Cherno and decided to journey to Stary Sabour, though on the way I met someone. I decided to take him along with me and we found a Ural which needed some scrap metal. Luckily I had some, so I repaired it. While we were driving to Stary, he told me he had a friend who'd just spawned near, obviously, we went to pick him up. He was no where in sight where my so called friend had told me he would be. Then he suddenly yelled "the car's going to blow run!," and I suddenly knew I had been tricked. He got out of the car and his friend popped out from behind a tree. I tried to drive away but they kept shooting the car (His friend had a M4A1 I think) and it got badly damaged, so I got out of it and broke my leg. After that they shot me and I was killed in cold blood.
  2. Calcunonn

    Dayz for Laptops

    It depends on your laptops specs. If you do get a laptop then try to get one with an i5 core processor or higher because when you run into cities, even if you have a super beasty processor, your GPU just fries. Anyway, I would recommend a desktop PC overall, I don't think ARMA II is the type of game you should be running on a notepad.
  3. Calcunonn

    Weapon Customisation

    I think it will be awesome, because now if you want to use something like a suppressor, you can take it off and put it back on whenever you want. I'm also hoping you'll be able to attach flashlights and melee weapons (e.g, Bayonet) to the gun. This will drastically change gameplay and make it more interesting. dem gun camos gonna be lookin' good
  4. Calcunonn

    Looking for a cheap rig that can play dayz

    Can you order a pre-made PC with an updated/new GPU?
  5. Calcunonn

    Looking for a cheap rig that can play dayz

    What do you mean by around $1000?
  6. Calcunonn

    Looking for a cheap rig that can play dayz

    This'll run DayZ? I originally planned on buying a laptop, but if something at this cost can run DayZ, I'll buy it. What FPS will it get? I'm looking for about 50 - 60 FPS.
  7. Calcunonn

    Food not increasing my blood level

    Don't exactly like the way they're going with this, hopefully the standalone won't be like how the mod currently is.
  8. Calcunonn

    How to make a good base

    Well, if you're off one to two weeks at a time it's going to found about 90% of the time. I also wouldn't recommend asking on the forums because their's probably some bandit who will hunt you down. In any case, think outside of the box, where no one will think to look, and just in case surround it with barbed wire as a last resort.
  9. These are bad admins, they should allow the game to play out naturally.
  10. Calcunonn

    Too hard since

    The games supposed to be hard to survive, anyway the standalone should be coming out sometime soon so I suppose you can wait for that.