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About konfyoozed

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    On the Coast
  1. konfyoozed

    Closed (Delete) (Post for Details)

    1. Age: 25 2. Experience in DayZ: about a week :blush: 3. Past DayZ Clans (If any): None 4. Gender: Male 5. Previous Military Experience (You will be Tested and Verified if you have any) FC2/ E-5 US Navy (6 years) Pertaining skills: VBSS team member, SAR Swimmer, and Force Protection training team. 6. Prefered Job within the Unit (Platoon CO, Squad Leader, Scout Sniper, Etc): Medic 7. Are you willing to download any Map that we require you to have?: Yes 8. Do you Accept all of our Rules and Requirements?: Yes 9. What Game are you Applying for?: DayZ 10. Country: 'MERICA! erm.. United States 11. Timezone (EST, MST, Etc): PST 12. Method of Communication (Steam Preferred): Teamspeak, Ventrillo 13. Do you have Integrity?: in the Navy, we have HONOR, COURAGE, and COMMITMENT! 14. Are you Dedicated and Motivated?: YES 15. Time to dedicate to BLT 3/2: 10-15+ hrs/week 16. What do you Bring to BLT 3/2?: Sense of humor, dedication , a team player 17. Why do you wish to join BLT 3/2?: Just got this game and I learned the hard way it's not very fun doing things alone. I've always sought to play cooperatively with others in any online game I play. 18. What do you hope to accomplish with us?: form Camaraderie , have a good time, have a blast, while getting all tasks accomplished. 19. Hooah or Oorah?: HOOYAH! 20. Preferred Method of play (Assault Oriented or Defensively Orientated): Assault 21. Realism name (FOLLOW THE FORMAT: Firstinitial. "Nickname" Lastname): HM2(EXW/SW) D. "Doc" Aguila
  2. I'm brand new to DayZ and I've only played a couple hours. I'm looking for a US based clan or server group preferably west coast to play with and learn this game even more. Just a brief overview - 25 yrs old - Currently in San Diego but will be permanently in Las Vegas within the next 2 months. - US Navy sailor - Have a mic and TS3. Can install other voice comms if needed. - Usually able to play mostly at night, even more on weekends.