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Everything posted by gizm0

  1. gizm0

    Arma 2's mechanics make dayz lame

    Have you tried to go from a prone fighting pos to running?
  2. however what happened to leave the area is the state it is in now and what caused the need for anti-material rifles, yet little to no armor or AA/AT stations Now if there were say wrecks of say more armor or even retrofitted paramiltary vehicles I would understand the possible need for some anti-material.
  3. why do you need a sidearm that can 1 shot kill a zed with a body shot?
  4. gizm0

    Gear on player models

    I think having NVGs show even when not active would be cool, as well as making non-equipped and "backpacked" weapons show up in the player model.(unless you field strip it, which means its not "at the ready" while in your back pack.) I think tools and other things should have some visual cues like c-wire and a toolbox shows wire clippers on the waist while just a toolbox shows a hammer.
  5. why not temp remove them to see how things play out? it wouldn't be a bad things to experiment on since it is a hot topic.
  6. I say give it a try and see how it really works out and if heli's really do become unstoppable.
  7. gizm0

    Dayz = PvP

    But....But I want to be friendly and help peoeple.
  8. gizm0

    Bandit skin forever?

    Basically you have to work you ass off and be a good guy and not kill unless they shoot first.
  9. Yea its like our bones are peanut brittle.
  10. HALO (HIGH ALTITUDE LOW OPENING). you tracking? Just remember "nothing happens until something moves". ;)
  11. Arma 2 is amazing, do a halo drop into a hostile zone, regroup, take out enemy AA, take enemy vehicles with an IR strobe, call in air strike set up an LZ for evac, evac and do an AAR. Also I'm glad the ammo tracking is working now.
  12. gizm0


    Self defense kills don't affect your humanity, this has been stated by rocket before I'll add a link to the post by rocket edit: link
  13. than lets add forced body language, since making everyone perfect liers and masters of disguise is the worst extreme of possible.
  14. gizm0


    yes but its common sense that KoS would be more bandit than hero.
  15. .... Than I guess Body language is also a carebear concept and is never used in real life to profile people. Remember there are limitations to what the engine can do, and that unless your force somethings on to players, they can become masters of speech and masking their identity to even people they have meet before. While you do have a point, there is also a reason groups have uniforms, so why not have more custom skins so groups could have uniforms? I mean what reason to not have groups beside their rep could change how you interact with them but, nothing would stop players from trying to steal the uniform and abuse the reputation of the group.
  16. gizm0


    There is no way, you got -82k from just self defense.
  17. bump cause this OP does have a point that needs to be discussed in more depth, at least about the body language. which he should add to his original post.
  18. The problem is that without forcing it onto players it wouldn't really work :(
  19. cause humanity doesn't reset like other stats (it lasts between lives and skin changes or used to)
  20. gizm0

    Play what you paid for

    but why do people go there to fight each other why not somewhere like nwa, or an inland town that would lead to a longer and more engaging firefight? like only people on the forums or older players know that cherno and electro are the "fight clubs", yet new players would have no clue of this info, so really wouldn't interesting firefights between more veteran players occur at inland towns?
  21. than this "Bandit skins should be american military outfits." isn't needed.
  22. Ok, so lets try and discuss ways to fix it?
  23. gizm0

    Is anyone friendly

    no need to insult him for aborting, the exploit is being fixed, there are more tactful ways to tell players not to D/C during combat. Now I'm friendly and won't shoot you on sight, I will most likely try to get with in VOIP range, so I can strike up a conversation with you.
  24. gizm0

    Is anyone friendly

    Some people are still friendly even though everything in-game encourages small groups that kill other players.