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Everything posted by gizm0

  1. gizm0

    heli crash loot radius

    Well we found some good loot in my group but in a pervious encounter with a crashed heli, we found some more loot a bit of a distance away from the crash site. So what I'm asking is what is the max distance in meters that loot will spawn from a crash site?
  2. I'm trying the x2 num - and it isn't toggled even though my controls have it set to be D:
  3. How about just not allowing loot to spawn with players within 100ms of a loot drop... I know the current is 30 but in all honesty that isn't really that far away, but I do think that as long as good loot is in the same location on all servers, hoppers will just do the bare min to get the loot. So really we just need more random loot areas like the current heli crashes that are just more common. This would encourage players to explore more of the map, in hopes to find military camps that have better loot than barracks.
  4. there are also a lot of things that you can do in real life that you can't in arma
  5. gizm0

    Situational Awareness - Have some

    you didn't even say "Oh, hai, let's team up", so why complain he didn't?
  6. gizm0

    nightime servers?

    I'd rather sleep than play at night... hell playing at night is just as dark as turning my damn monitor off.... still.
  7. gizm0

    Heal at Military Medic tents

    yes I got the option once before, It however did nothing to help my blood or broken leg.
  8. gizm0

    What is a Carebear?

    I can say these two examples are true from past first person experiences.
  9. gizm0

    6200 blood.. coma.. dead

    you got knocked out and they ate you
  10. gizm0

    Toolbox dosen't work?

    aim down sights at the object in your way?
  11. gizm0

    The FN FAL

    I think there are more ammo conversions coming hopefully since a dmr mag has the same ammo type and ammo count as a fn fal mag. Also the m9 and g17 have the same ammo types but the g17 can use m9 ammo but not vice versa.
  12. gizm0

    disable 3rd person view.

    How about in removing 3rd person, we fix head bobbing so it isn't so damn odd feeling, better movement in buildings and in general, being able to slightly raise your self off the ground without going to crouch, better peaking around corners with lean, better way to simulate peripheral vision, better way to simulate awareness of your surroundings like trees or that building you are next too when moving, and than maybe it would be fine.
  13. a simple fix would be letting them to be taken down no matter where you look on them.
  14. I say make it so you can take it down by just looking any anywhere on the it not just the posts, also requires a toolkit to put up.
  15. gizm0

    Rules to Survive By

    why not update the wiki?
  16. You can't type in direct chat. You wrong' date=' i use it with my team ( while i cannot use TS. Last time i used it: around 1 hour ago. [/quote'] you can use it up to 20m
  17. It's part of the game, must you complain about this in every post you make? No but I'm just pointing it out, and asking a question.