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Everything posted by gizm0

  1. why and why not just buy the high-res skin?
  2. Now, OP, I understand where you are coming from in terms of getting fed up with script kiddies, and nothing to do but PVP once geared up, cause i'm at that point or I was. However you did buy arma 2 (OA) and with the editor, you can make every map into your own little sandbox. I'm not condoning what the OP did, but I do understand what caused him to do what he did, and simply put pvp isn't fun for everyone.
  3. gizm0

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    it was fun even in the beginning, sorry i had to go before the real fun started
  4. gizm0

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    So your saying only those who bought arma 2 for dayz should get a free copy of the standalone?
  5. While I may not be on board with the whole idea, I do like how it stops server hoppers from bypasses your defenses, and the tools needed for it, hopefully can't be abused like how c-wire is.
  6. gizm0

    Remove Hiding Bodies...

    I don't see anyone saying its a bad idea to have hiding bodies requries shovel(e-tool), dirt. But could be retrieved with some loot lost due to how long its been buried. Seems like a better system than we have now.
  7. gizm0

    DayZ logic

    Hopefully the removal of the debug info helps stop needless killing, like this since he basically gained nothing for killing you.
  8. gizm0

    Gear on player models

    Bump cause this is a good suggestion
  9. Maybe they should have it say they block these things in the server name or something. I'm not trying to troll, only wish to make it easier to tell which servers, will kick me before hand.
  10. Nope... here is a list of my sounds 1. Get in to postion and wait for my signal (CS:S) 2. Go,Go,Go (CS:S) 3. Hello Friend (portal turret) 4. Hey, Its Me, Don't Shoot (portal turret) 5. I mean, you NO harm (Yoda) the portal sounds are good for when my group asks me if its me or not, and the counter strike sounds, I use in my custom arma mission with my group.
  11. gizm0

    Your favorite city

  12. quicker reaction to say friendly and other tactical things like Sniper, Contact, etc.
  13. gizm0

    Killing unarmed survivors..

    request to move this into gallery?
  14. You should see the AI path finding >.<, they are fucking retarded, they won't following get in nearest way points or walk on the cherno docks.
  15. gizm0

    Are custom skins illegal??

    copyright isn't an issue cause if it was APB would have been shutdown by now.
  16. However that wouldn't help the discussion as well as keep new readers, informed of what has been suggested and discussed already.
  17. gizm0

    Debug monitor will be gone in 1.7.3 !

    Sounds good to me, I mean even for people who were using it to tally kills, now all they have to do is track them out of game (meta) and look for the prone position that only dead players have.
  18. chill out, I get you don't want to lose your AS-50 and I understand your anger. But please no need to be so angry, we are just having a discussion.
  19. Good attempt at trolling. However I do feel someone most likely truely does feel the same as the main post and really that's kinda sad. I know if under 18 yr olds were not allowed, my group would shrink from 9 to 3/4. Now banning 3rd party apps would also make coordinating anything out of a hassle than it already is.(however I'm all for dayz to always be listening to you mic while in-game.)
  20. gizm0

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    not all of us sexualise the cartoon.
  21. what is everyone's thought on keeping .50 caliber rifles however instead of the semi-automatics like the m107 and AS50, we have bolt action like the m2000,KSVK, M98B? edit: someone else posted this in another thread, however I thought it would be a good idea and should be discussed.
  22. gizm0

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    count me in, this time :D