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Everything posted by gizm0

  1. so your saying bullets only harm people, and that guns, canteens, and tin cans are bullet proof?
  2. gizm0

    Im that bandit....

    having everyone adapt the shoot on sight mentality removes player dynamics and interaction. Also call of duty may be best for your tastes, however each person is different, I still think goldeneye is best due to how it appproached FPS gaming on consoles. However Goldeneye didn't really age well.
  3. While I agree its really up to rocket and Co. to do as they please but having discussions about possible changes is in no way wrong to do as it gives rocket and Co. insight as what the community thinks as well as leads rocket to maybe a underlining reason that causes said discussions. So really talking about these things is fine as long as we don't flame one another.
  4. well isn't refueling your car tedious? plus this has the option of being effected by players changes of the world.
  5. Is making powered scopes require batteries really that bad of an idea? I mean its been done with ace and tweaking them to slowly drain over time would require players to go out of their way to either find more or maybe even use powered factories to recharge them.
  6. I have a question, weren't your co-workers or even you classmates considered strangers at one time?
  7. I find doing it manually ends up with less errors on my end.
  8. Yea its sad thats usually how it ends up. :/ I had to reread your post xD but hey you still have your bus, so keep helping players out and maybe your luck will change.
  9. gizm0

    Its time to stop being babys

    I don't really see any over the top troll or name calling in the general battlog discussion sub-forum. I guess I gotta read more posts and watch the forum like I do here to really see the feel.
  10. gizm0

    Its time to stop being babys

    just checked random topics in the first 3 pages and they seem generally nicer tones than here.
  11. gizm0

    Its time to stop being babys

    I've been on battlelog back when bf3 was in closed beta and it was generally civil.
  12. gizm0

    Shooting players on sight?

    I usually keep an eye on them and try to make sure that if they do try to shoot at me, I have a way to get out of it without either of us dieing. Now I do try and make contact with other players in terms of letting them know what loot is left in the buildings, I've already checked.
  13. gizm0

    Its time to stop being babys

    I'm down for some civil discussion.
  14. gizm0

    How to remove debug monitor?

    I think he means when he is streaming. If so I would recommend xsplit
  15. gizm0

    Safe Zone Idea

    Than why are people not total asshats in minecraft but they are in dayz? (both are sandbox games with perma-death)
  16. gizm0

    Safe Zone Idea

    How are humans scumbags if its dayz's fault Direct chat is worthless?
  17. gizm0

    Safe Zone Idea

    So your saying direct chat is worthless and grouping/friendly behavior requires 3rd party help? If so thats fucked up and needs to change.
  18. gizm0

    Safe Zone Idea

    But But that means the safe zone isn't safe except for my group T.T
  19. gizm0

    Safe Zone Idea

    How will I know who is a hostile and how is just a wandering friendly?
  20. gizm0

    Safe Zone Idea

    woo woo woo, just cause you don't like manga doesn't mean its shit. :P
  21. gizm0

    Safe Zone Idea

  22. gizm0

    Is anyone NOT a murderer?

    You didn't even explain why you promote killing each other so much. >.>
  23. gizm0

    Safe Zone Idea

    The people camping it, don't even deserve to be called human if they are just there to ruin people's day.
  24. gizm0

    Is anyone NOT a murderer?

    are you really trying to convince people to steep down to your pathetic level of treating human beings as loot bags? I had a 2 weeker with zero kills, I generally avoid players because out of everyone I've meet in-game(random player) only 2 have not killed me. Even than if i'm spotted I try to get in a tactical location and wait to see if they come to kill me or just go on their way.
  25. gizm0

    Safe Zone Idea

    I was thinking of something along the lines of forceful disarm, as well as non-lethal weapons that allow you to detain players.(alt to killing bandits you detain them thus stoping them from being able to kill anyone, unless killed or released.)