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Everything posted by PuRe DAYZ

  1. PuRe DAYZ

    Will the SA Ever Feel like This?

    by the sounds of it rockets trying to make the game more like that with more enterable buildings less chance of finding millitary grade loot ect. so im hoping it does.
  2. PuRe DAYZ

    Murphy's laws of DayZ

    Never run through Electro screaming Yolo swag!
  3. If anyone could help me with a rough idea on when dean halls coming back that would be very dandy because my guess is that within 1 or 2 months when Rocket arrives back the amazing standalone will be released. I wish him the best of luck sincerely, LICK_LICK. :D
  4. So i cant ask a question now? Amazing Good luck
  5. im sorry but i havnt been able to check anything/play dayz for at least two months now is it ok asking?
  6. PuRe DAYZ

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    The only thing i cared about was zeds knocking me over ever hit. so now i'm going to say this like a gentleman. THANK YOU ALLOT.
  7. PuRe DAYZ

    Taviana. play with me

    When i download taviana AGAIN i will message you.
  8. PuRe DAYZ

    How do i update Dayz?

    Go download DayZ commander once installed find the option in the top right corner that says install/update its pretty self explanatory from there
  9. PuRe DAYZ

    Who is your best friend in Dayz?

    jojohn is my best friend in dayz, we met on a nice sunny day so i decided to stay inside. it was on teamspeak as a fellow white listed member of balotabuddies we talked and became friends.
  10. Do you think dayz will be coming out this Month?
  11. So i was playing arma II and was playing with the graphics to see what i liked best. i came across the extra visual effects (I Cant remember right if anyone can be bothered can someone please type in what they are called and or what they do) back on track i came across the effects and hated them they lagged up my cpu and made everything really blurry and bloomy. does anyone else just have the texture, shadow, ect on high?
  12. Hey everyone, I have verylimited internet and it would take me two months to download dayZ Would i be able to purchase Dayz standalone On a disk and be able to download the game from the disk or play of it. secondly Are there any ideas on how large the game will be, weather its going to be larger or smaller than arma 2. FINALLY! If dayz standalone Is available In Game stores and on steam will be able to pre order the game. cheers in advanced, -LICK_LICK-/Cale/PuRe_DAYZ-
  13. I like holding up bambies on the cost
  14. PuRe DAYZ

    Reason behind your username?

  15. Id just say your unlucky, maybe contact battle eye or arma II, tell them what happened and ask for another one.
  16. I <3 DayZ commander.
  17. The bandit skin attracts all babes.
  18. PuRe DAYZ

    98% downloaded cant wait to start.

    yeah this game is a lot more enjoyable when your not raging, STAY CALM and EAT ZOMBIES
  19. PuRe DAYZ

    I can't play Dayz

    GO into Options - video options - find the words advanced options put everything on very low and disable all the effects.
  20. PuRe DAYZ


    I only go for head shot. SHAME ON YOU.